What does the system protect the tissue from?
It protects deeper tissue from injury
What does it produce?
is the system a fast-acting control or a slow-acting control?
fast-acting control
What do endocrine glands produce?
they produce chemically molecules called hormones
what do blood vessels carry?
oxygen, nutrients, hormones, carbon dioxide, wastes, etc.
What the integumentary synthesize?
Vitamin D
how many functions does the system have?
one function - to contract
does the system respond externally or internally?
what process do glands regulate?
they regulate processes such as growth, reproduction, and nutrient used by body cells
what do the chemicals in the blood help protect?
helps protect the body from foreign invaders
What does the skeletal system store?
it store minerals?
what does it maintain?
how does it respond to external and internal changes?
it activates appropriate muscles and glands
what do the endocrine glands include?
pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, thymus, pancreas, pineal, ovaries, and testes
what does the system deliver nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and other substances too?
primary organs
what does the skeletal system consist of?
it consists of bones, cartilage, and joints
what does it manipulate?
it allows manipulation of the environment, locomotion and facial expresses
what does this system consist of?
the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sensory receptors
where are the hormones released?
into blood stream
what do white blood cells protect?
they protect the body from bacteria and viruses
what does the integumentary system help regulate in the body?
it regulates the body's temperature
what happens when muscles contract?
movement occurs
what does sensory receptors do?
They detect changes in temperature levels and pressure and light and sends signals to nervous system
why are the released into the blood stream?
to travel to distant target organs
where do the blood vessels transport the blood from which the heart propels out of its chambers?
its transported to all body tissues