Anger MGMT
Success In SoberLiving
Vulnerability & Self Relationship Skills

This term refers to the condition where a person is dependent on alcohol or drugs.

What is substance use disorder?


This technique involves taking slow, deep breaths to help calm oneself when feeling angry.

Answer: What is deep breathing?


This strategy involves talking to a trusted person about your feelings and problems.

What is seeking Peer Support?


This is a crucial element in maintaining sobriety, often involving regular attendance at support meetings and a strong social network.

What is support system or community?


This term describes the willingness to open up and share one's struggles and emotions, which can foster deeper connections and support in recovery.

What is vulnerability?


This neurotransmitter, often associated with pleasure and reward, is affected by many addictive substances.

What is dopamine?


This type of therapy helps individuals identify and modify the underlying thought patterns that lead to anger.

What is cognitive therapy?


This technique involves challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with more realistic ones.

What is cognitive restructuring?


This daily practice involves setting aside time for reflection, gratitude, or spiritual growth, which can enhance overall well-being and aid in recovery.

What is a daily routine or meditation?


This practice involves acknowledging and expressing one's fears, weaknesses, and needs, which is essential for building trust and authenticity in relationships.

What is emotional honesty?


This type of therapy focuses on changing patterns of thinking or behavior related to substance use.

What is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?


This physical activity is often recommended to help manage anger by releasing built-up tension.

What is exercise? 


This coping skill involves engaging in activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress.

What is Self-Care!!!


This strategy involves recognizing and avoiding situations or triggers that could lead to relapse.

What is relapse prevention or trigger management?


This term refers to the process of confronting and addressing past trauma or unresolved issues as a key part of personal healing and growth in recovery.

What is trauma work or processing?

What is therapy?


This medication is used to help people with opioid addiction by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

What is methadone or buprenorphine?


This practice involves expressing one's feelings and needs in a calm and assertive manner without aggression.

What is assertive communication?


This approach involves breaking a large problem into smaller, more manageable parts.

What is problem solving or creating small SMART Goals that lead towards the completion of big SMART Goals.


This approach encourages individuals to set and achieve realistic, short-term goals to build confidence and sustain motivation in their recovery journey.

What are incremental goals or short-term SMART goals?


This approach involves being open to receiving feedback and support from others, which can enhance self-awareness and personal development.

What is openness to feedback? 

What is being open-minded?


The acronym for a treatment approach that combines both medication and behavioral therapy for addiction.

What is MAT (Medication-Assisted Treatment)?


This type of anger management program focuses on helping individuals understand and cope with their emotional triggers.

What is a psychoeducational anger management program?


This type of coping skill focuses on actively taking steps to improve one’s situation rather than just avoiding it.

What is active coping?


This technique involves evaluating and making positive changes in various aspects of life, such as relationships, work, and personal habits, to support long-term sobriety.

What is lifestyle redesign or holistic approach? 

What is working a recovery program?

What is working through the stages of change?

What is working towards maintenance of sobriety?


This concept refers to the understanding that showing vulnerability can lead to greater resilience and emotional strength by embracing and learning from one's imperfections.

What is the paradox of vulnerability? 

What is working towards "Best Self"?

What is being open and willing to change?
