Water&Waste 水和廢棄物
Energy 能源
Paris 2024 Olympics 巴黎奧運
Greenhouse Gases溫室氣體

How much water does the average toilet use per flush? 廁所每次沖水平均用多少水?

a) 1.2 to 1.6 gallons(加侖)

b) 2 to 4 gallons(加侖)

c) .5 to 1 gallons(加侖)

a) 1.2 to 1.6 gallons(加侖)


Which is a renewable energy source 哪一種是再生能源?

a. Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil and Natural Gas) 化石燃料(煤、石油和天然氣)

b. Wind energy & Solar Energy 風能和太陽能

c. Nuclear Energy 核能

b. Wind energy & Solar Energy 風能和太陽能


What is the target for reducing the carbon footprint compared to previous Olympic Games? 與往屆奧運相比,減少碳足跡的目標是什麼?

a. 25%

b. 50%

c. 75%

b. 50%


Which greenhouse gas has a longer lifespan  哪種溫室氣體的壽命較長?

a. Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳

b. Methane 甲烷

a. Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳


According to SB1383, which bin should you use to dispose of organic waste? 根據參議院法案1383,您應該使用哪個垃圾桶來處理有機廢棄物?

a. Green Bin 綠色垃圾桶

b. Recycle Bin 回收垃圾桶

a. Green Bin 綠色垃圾桶


How much water do you use per minute in the shower? 您淋浴時每分鐘使用多少水?

 a) 0.2 - 1 gallon(加侖) 

b) 1.2 - 1.5 gallon(加侖) 

c) 1.8 - 2.5 gallons(加侖)

c) 1.8 - 2.5 gallons(加侖)


Burning fossil fuels is a renewable way to generate energy. 燃燒化石燃料是一種再生能源發電方式。

a. True 對

b. False 錯

b. False 錯


What percentage of the Paris 2024 competition venues are newly constructed? 今年巴黎比赛场馆中有多少是新建的?

a) 5%
b) 20%
c) 75%

a) 5%


Which greenhouse gas is better at trapping heat?哪種溫室氣體比較能吸收熱量?

a. Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳

b. Methane 甲烷

b. Methane 甲烷


What year was the warmest on record (up to 2023) 有紀錄以來最熱的年份是哪一年(至 2023 年)?

a. 2020

b. 2022

c. 2023

c. 2023


In the City of Cerritos/Cypress/La Palma, which bin should you use to dispose of banana peels and chicken bones?  在 Cerritos/Cypress/La Palma 市,香蕉皮和雞骨頭是否應該扔進哪個垃圾箱中? 

a. Trash Bin 垃圾桶

b. Recycle Bin 回收垃圾桶

c. Green Bin 綠的垃圾桶

c. Green Bin 綠的垃圾桶


You Win!  你贏了!

You Win!  你贏了!


What kind of materials will be used for the construction of new venues for the Paris 2024 Olympics? 2024年巴黎奧運新場館建設使用哪些材料?

a. Traditional concrete 傳統混凝土

b. Recycled and bio-sourced materials 回收材料和生物來源材料

c. Plastic composites 塑膠複合材料

b. Recycled and bio-sourced materials 回收材料和生物來源材料


Which animal produces the most methane as part of their normal digestive process? 哪一種動物在正常消化過程中會產生最多的甲烷?

a. cows/cattle 乳牛/牛

b. chicken 雞

c. Pigs 豬

a. cows/cattle 乳牛/牛


How much water goes into producing one pound of beef, if it takes 39 gallons of water to produce one pound of vegetables?如果生產一磅蔬菜需要 39 加侖水,那麼生產一磅牛肉需要多少水?

a. 647 gallons

b. 1247 gallons

c. 1847 gallons

c. 1847 gallons


Which of the following is Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) 下列何者是家庭危險廢棄物 (HHW)?

a. Paint 油漆

b. Medicine 藥物

c. Nail polish 指甲油

d. All of the above 上述所有的

d. All of the above 上述所有的


About 60% of U.S. electricity generation in 2023 comes from these types of energy sources? 2023年美國約60%的發電量來自這些類型的能源?

A. Fossil Fuels 化石燃料

B. Renewable energy 再生能源

C. Nuclear Energy 核能

A.  fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases)  化石燃料


Across all venues, what percent of recipes for the public were vegetarian? 在所有場館中,為公眾提供的食譜中素食的比例是多少?

a) 30%

b) 50%

c) 60%

c) 60%


Where do most of our carbon dioxide emissions come from? 我們排放的二氧化碳大部分來自哪裡?

a. Plants 植物

b. Using Coal and Petroleum fuels 使用煤炭和石油燃料

c. Raising animals 飼養動物

b. Using Coal and Petroleum fuels 使用煤炭和石油燃料


Which is the largest source of methane emission in the U.S. 美國最大的甲烷排放源是哪一個?

a. Agriculture/Livestock 農業/畜牧業

b. Wetlands 濕地

c. Electricity generation 發電

a. Agriculture/Livestock 農業/畜牧業


What greenhouse gas is emitted from landfills when organic waste breaks down without oxygen? 當有機廢棄物在沒有氧氣的情況下分解時,垃圾掩埋場會排放出哪些溫室氣體?

a. Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳

b. Methane 甲烷

b. Methane 甲烷


What percentage of U.S. electricity generation in 2023 comes from renewable energy sources? 2023 年美國發電量中有多少比例來自再生能源?

a. 80%

b. 50%

c. 21%

c. 21%


What percentage of the electricity used in Paris Olympics come from solar and wind?巴黎奧運使用的電力有多少比例來自太陽能和風能?

a. 50%

b. 70%

c. 100%

c. 100%


Which is responsible for most of the greenhouse gas emissions in America? 美國大部分的溫室氣體排放是由誰造成的?

A.  transportation and electricity production 交通運輸和電力生產

B. Farming 農業

A.  transportation and electricity production 交通運輸和電力生產


What material are the bed frames being made of for the athlete at the 2024 Paris Olympics Games? 2024 年巴黎奧運運動員的床架是由什麼材料製成?

a. cardboard 硬紙板

b. wood 木頭

c. recycled plastic 再生塑膠

a. cardboard
