True or False: I can stand anywhere in line.
False! Line order always
True or False: If you need a specific supply, you can take it off of Ms. Karutz's desk.
When will we fill out our planners?
Every Monday
What is the first thing you do when you receive a paper or worksheet to complete?
Write your name!
What is the special helper of the day called?
Happy Helper
If you run out of supplies in your desk, where should you get more?
1. Extra supplies bin
2. Supplies cart
What is the individual reward system?
Earning individual tickets to turn in for a reward
If you have a problem at recess, what should you do?
Tell a recess teacher right away!
True or False: You can bring Ms. Karutz's library books home.
True or False: If you are late you do not need to complete attendance and lunch count.
One math worksheet
One spelling worksheet
Read 20 minutes
What is the full class reward system?
Filling the jar with stars
What do you do if you have a question during lunch time?
Raise your hand and ask a lunch moderator.
What kind of shoes must you have every day for PE?
Gym shoes
How do you know what is for morning work?
Miss Karutz writes it on the back board.
What happens if you use your chromebook not in the way you are supposed to?
Behavior sheet
What does it mean when you hear the doorbell ring?
Stop and look at Ms. Karutz
No! It must be earned with good behavior.
True or False: Your parents can have lunch with you.
True! Lunch is at 12:40.
What is the first thing you should do in the morning after you greet Miss Karutz?
Attendance / Lunch Count
In your backpack
Show me the sign to hold up if you need to use the restroom.
cross two fingers
If you have a question and Ms. Karutz is talking, what should you do?
1. Raise your hand
2. If it is not relevant to the lesson, wait for Ms. Karutz to stop teaching. Do NOT walk up to Ms. Karutz while she is teaching.
What is your whiteboard, marker, and eraser called in 4th grade?
White board trio