Explain how to borrow a pencil in Ms. Farleigh's class
Sign, grab, return, erase
You should bring a fully___________Chromebook and __________to school each day.
charged; charger
At what temperature Fahrenheit does water freeze?
What is the first step to taking a break?
Communicate with an adult (also would accept recognizing that you need a break)
Explain how the home folder works
one side is for papers that need to go home/need a signature and one side is for returned papers to take home
When are you allowed to use the restroom in room 700
Never-its adults only (maybe if there was an emergency)
Chromebooks, chargers, and other tools for learning are___________________. Students should take care not to damage them.
What is the tallest land animal?
How long should a break last?
3-5 minutes
Where should you keep your binder reminder?
In the front of your binder
Explain the sign out procedures for room 700 (where is the sign out sheet, when do you need to sign in/out, etc)
By the door, sign out when going to bathroom/water/locker etc
When are you allowed to use a Chromebook?
During class with permission
What country is the leaning tower of Pisa in?
What is the designated break area for room 700 (outside of class?)
in front of the benches, within view
Dividers/Folders-how should you use dividers and folders (ex: one side is for_______, the other side is for___________.
homework/to be completed on one side; classwork and notes on the other side
When is it ok to eat and drink in room 700?
When you have permission, or if it is a drink with a lid (water bottle, etc)
No games unless you have______________________.
What is the largest planet in the solar system?
What is the number one rule with fidgets?
They must not distract anyone in class (adults included!)
Where should you keep graded papers?
At home
What does THINK stand for?
True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind
Where can you go if you have tech troubles? What if you forgot your computer?
Mr. Stewart; borrow a loaner from the library
What year did the first iPhone come out
Name a tool or method to help you refocus (besides fidget)
Noise cancelling headphones, deep breathing, read a book, get water, draw or write etc
How often should you clean out your binder (at MINIMUM)
once per week