Discounted Cafeteria and Free Meals
What can affect higher overall costs PPD/PRD?
Online Ordering
What is a food and supply vendor offering that assists with cost-effective item selection?
How often should you check patient menu item usage?
Free Meals
What meal category do I need to track monthly in order to understand my subsidy percent?
Managing Food Cost
What do Healthcare operators rate as a top challenge?
Master List Management
What is a US Foods tool that allows me to pre-approve my product substitutes?
What standard tray items should be checked monthly for supply cost and GPO compliance changes?
Medical Staff Lounges
Where should I establish guardrails around access and included items to reduce cost?
What measures urban customers retail food purchases?
Product Selection
What is a US Foods tool that helps me select the most cost effective products?
Trendview 360
What US Foods VITALS tool can help assess my monthly spend variance and troubleshoot patient purchasing habits?
Employee Discounted Meals
Where should I routinely review raw food cost/ retail price ratio?
What measures average costs paid to farms, producers, manufacturers and wholesalers?
Contract Compliance
What is something that my food and supply vendor should help me focus on?
Reduce Flavors
What strategy can I employ to reduce cost in my patient floor stock program?
US Foods Baseline
Where can I benchmark my subsidized meals with like-size facilties?