Name Three Careers That Start With D
Doctor--Dentist--Dog Walker--Director--Delivery Driver--Detective--Developer--Designer (Basic ones but a lot more)
Sidney loves working in the sun and with animals that aren't commonly found indoors, What is the best Job?
1. Farmer
2. Astronaut
3. House Sitter
4. Librarian
1. Farmer
As a waiter if you encounter a customer being rude and won't listen cooperate, what do you do?
Get a manager or a higher position and explain the situation.
Outdoor jobs
Steve likes to invent and program with computers, but doesn't like working on cars or machines, What career choice is best for him?
1. Director
2. Software Engineer
3. Mechanical engineer
4. Assassin
2. Software Engineer
Ocean Jobs
Marine Biologist--Cargo Transporter--Cruise Workers--More
Three Common jobs that a teenager (15-17) can have.
Serve--Fast Food--Cashier--Youtuber/Twitch Streamer--Other Ones that have proof