Name the rivers associated with Indus Valley and mark it on the map.
Indus river
Name the rivers associated with China and mark it on the map.
Yellow and Yangtze
What happens to you after death?
You will be reincarnated
Who founded Buddhism?
Who founded Confucianism?
Name the religion associated Indus Valley
Was central to Chinese society.
What you put into the universe comes back
The name given to Siddhartha after reaching Nirvana
Name the civilization associated with Confucianism
Buildings were made out of ___________ and most houses were able to have ___________
Oven- baked bricks and Plumbing
Define Dynastic Cycle
The universe and everything in it
The highest state of enlightenment and the ultimate religious goal.
Is Confucianism a religion or philosophy
Society was divided by what type of system?
Caste System
Ruler’s justified their power by claiming....
Mandate of Heaven
People are born into a fixed social group and are expected to follow certain rules and behaviors.
Caste system
the written guide to Buddhism
Eightfold Path
What caused Confucius to spread his beliefs?
The frequently assassination on Rulers
Who founded Hinduism?
China’s Sorrow is referring to
The unpredictable flooding of the Yellow River.
Every living thing is giving a _________ from birth and can not be changed
According to the "Four Noble Truths," Buddhists believe they can end personal suffering by __.
eliminating selfish desires
What are the Five Relationships?
Make up society and create a stable, harmonious, and peaceful society when they function properly