commercial firms that have developed in support of agriculture
The science that studies all living things and their environments
In 2021 about ____% of american income was spent on food.
the study of properties and management of soil to grow plants
Soil Science
resources provided by nature than can replace or renew themselves
Renewable Natural Resources
science dealing with the characteristics of elements or simple substances
About ____% of ag jobs are actually on farm or ranch
the management of the genetic characteristics transmitted from one generation t another and its application to our needs
resources provided by nature than can replace or renew themselves
Agricultural Engineering
chemistry as it applies to living things
What percent of Americans live or work on a farm in 2020
combining two or more different control methods to control insects, diseases, rodents, and other pests
Integrated Pest Management
the use of science principles in the growing and management of crops
Crop Science
which of the basic sciences focuses on the structure, function and behaviors of organisms
The average US farmer feeds about how many people per year?
a term used for foods that have been grown without the use of chemicals pesticides
Organic Foods
the use of modern principles and practices for animal growth, production and management
Animal Science
What studies the changes that substances undergo when they react with other substances
What is the average shortage of agricultural and life sciene graduates per year?
all the conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding and affecting an organism or group of organisms