According to Genesis, what introduced evil, suffering, and death into the world?
What is "The sinful disobedience of Adam and Eve"?
The Bible is divided into these parts?
What is "Both Old and New Testament"?
What the authors of the Bible intended to express or say directly.
What is "Literal Sense"?
Only these were created in God's image and likeness.
What is "Humans"?
What person or persons of the Blessed Trinity were involved in Creation?
What is "All three divine persons: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"?
On what day did God create Adam and Eve?
What is "Day 6"?
"Sacred Scripture: The collection of books that contain the truth of God's revelation. It is inspired by God and written by humans"?
What is "the Bible"?
Because God is the principal author of the Bible, we believe it is both _____ and _____.
What is "inspired and inerrant"?
The the key component that gives each person his or her exalted dignity and reflects a spark of divine life?
What is "The human soul"?
The First Cause and Creator of everything that exists.
What is "God"?
Creation is arranged in two sets of three days. Select the correct arrangement of days.
What is "Day 1: Day and night… to be ruled by… Day 4: Sun and moon, Day 2: Sky and sea… to be ruled by… Day 5: Birds and fish, Day 3: Land and vegetation… to be ruled by… Day 6: Animals and Man"?
The Bible is ________ by God and ________.
What is "inspired and inerrant (free of error)"?
Everything in the Bible is true, and some of it actually happened.
What is "True"?
Why we believe that both the human body and soul are sacred?
What is "Because every individual, regardless of their physical or mental state, has intrinsic value and should be treated with dignity and respect"?
God's plan of redemption culminated in the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus. Who did Jesus do this for?
What is "Every human being"?
What mission did God give Adam and Eve?
What is "To care for God's creation and exercise dominion over creation"?
What story does the Book of Genesis tell?
What is "The story of creation and of God's special relationship with humanity"?
What is the definition of Inerrant?
What is "Making no mistakes or errors"?
According to the story of creation from the Book of Genesis, how are man and woman unique among all of creation?
What is "They are unique because they have the ability to use reason"?
What are two ways or means by which we can find "truth"?
What is "Faith and reason"?
Why did God create humans with the ability to use reason?
What is "To allow them to freely choose to love and follow Him"?
The first book of the Bible which contains the story of Creation.
What is "Genesis"?
A deeper understanding that reveals how the events in Scripture point to Christ and His Church
What is the "Allegorical Sense" of interpreting the Bible?
How does being created in God's image and likeness influence Christian moral teachings?
What is "It establishes the inherent dignity of every person"?
What does it mean that God’s plan of salvation is universal?
What is "God's offer of salvation through Jesus Christ to everyone"?