Think it Over
Fill in the blank
Health Risk: Make it Better
Multiple Choice

Define health

What is health it is the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being. 


Three areas of your health triangle

What is physical mental/emotional social.


Provides people with a deep-seated sense of meaning and purpose in life

What is Spiritual Health 


Devon picked me up after school today in his dad's car. It's antique from the 1950s and does not have safety belts. Devon likes to drive fast, but other than that he's a good driver. 

Risk: What is not using safety belts and riding with an unsafe driver. 

Option: Walk home, find another ride home, call for parent pick up


Which of the following would have the least impact on your physical health?

A eating nutritious foods

B getting plenty of rest

C taking part in regular physical activity

D communicating well with others

What is D communication well with others 


Define wellness

What is wellness it is the overall state of wellbeing or total health 


Two behaviors that contribute to having a healthy relationship

what is seeking and leading support when needed

communicating and listening

showing respect to self and others



means taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse.

What is prevention.


We stopped at Hamburger Heaven for lunch on the wya home from shopping and ordered jumbo shakes, burgers, and fries. After lunch, Tia wanted me to go on a walk with her, but I was too tired from all the shopping. I took a nap instead.

What is the health risk of unhealthy dietary behavior and inadequate physical activity.

Option: Make changes to food options, different restaurants, replace the nap with physical activity


 Being constantly overwhelmed by everyday challenges is a sign of poor

  1. mental/emotional health.    

  2. spiritual health.

  3. physical health

  4. wellness

What is A mental and emotional health


Define Lifestyle factors

What is lifestyle factors, they can make a difference in people's overall health, happiness, and longevity. 


three characteristics that make someone mentally and emotionally healthy.

what is enjoying challenges, accepting responsibility, expressing emotions appropriately, having a positive outlook versus negative, making thoughtful and responsible decisions, deal with stressful situations with maturity and timely manner

A person who lacks ______ finds it difficult to obtain, understand and use valid health information

What is health literacy.

i have finally been invited to a party at Harry's house. He's the most popular guy in school and has the best parties. Everyone there will be drinking beer, but I am going to go. I really want to fit in.

What is the health risk of alcohol and negative peer pressure.

Options: Abstinence from alcohol is the only healthy alternative, avoid situations of these parties, do not go, invite a friend over instead


A positive outlook is a characteristic.

A of individuals with good mental/emotional health

B of most individuals who make poor decisions about health

C that indicates good physical health

D that is not important to total health

What is A of individuals with good mental/emotional health.


Define Health disparities.

What are health disparities, the differences in health outcomes among groups


On the health continuum diagram right being ______ _______ and the left ______ ________

What is a premature death due to loss of health and wellness and High Level of wellness- improving health and wellness


empowers people to live healthfully and improve their quality of life.

What is health education 

Robert has been setting his sights on a football scholarship next year to his dream college. In order to prepare for the season he is completing three workouts a day and school. His tight schedule only allows for him to eat lunch at school. He gets home late after the third practice and is too tired to eat dinner. 

What is the health risk of being to active before and after school, along with the stress on his daily schedule being so tight.

Option: Sleep in, fewer activities, shorter practices, allow time to eat, pre-pack meals


The health continuum is used to show?

The three sides of the total health triangle

B strategies for improving mental health 

C the symptoms of many common chronic diseases

D a complete range of health from loss of health to high level of wellness

What is D a complete range of health from loss of health to high level of wellness


Define Healthy People

What is healthy people, a federal government plan that establishes health goals and objectives every 10 years. 


Five actions that contribute to getting and keeping a healthy body

what is getting 8-10 hours of sleep, eating nutritious foods an drinks at least 8 cups of water a day, engaging in 30-60 minutes of physical activity daily, avoiding alcohol, and drugs, vaping, bath regularly- combing brush teeth


is a deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors

What is abstience. 


Jim plays Xbox every day after school. His best friend James gets on and plays each day. Lately, they have been playing a new game and have been cutting into their sleep schedules, most nights only getting three hours of sleep.  

What is the health risk of no sleep and lack of physical activity, too much screen time.

Option: set a timer for allowed time on the game, make time for physical activity, and spend more time with friends in person than video games


Safe parks, clean water, and nutritious foods are all components of a healthy

  1. physical environment.    

  2.  culture

  3. attitude

  4. wellness

What is wellness
