Where can you find Mrs. Dragoo's class rules?
On the wall above the white board.
Return them!
What is the WJMS technology policy?
There should be no use of cell phones or ear pods/headphones during class.
Does Mrs. Dragoo like dogs or cats better?
What is the most important class rule?
Respect others and be kind to everyone.
If you need to sharpen a pencil, what should you do?
Just go sharpen it!
What happens if you violate the technology policy? (first offense)
The technology in question will be sent to the office and YOU may pick it up at the end of the day.
What is Mrs. Dragoo's first name?
What are the consequences for following classroom rules? (2 of 4)
Good grades; rewards; good notes home; Mrs. Dragoo's trust
How many hall passes are you allowed per week?
What happens if you violate the technology policy? (Second offense or more)
The technology in question will be sent to the office and A PARENT must pick it up.
What is the best way to contact Mrs. Dragoo?
School Email
What are the consequences of NOT following classroom rules? (3 of 5)
Verbal warning; seat change; conversation with Mrs. Dragoo; parents contacted; office referral
Where will you find the worksheets you need for the day?
On the tall desk by the door.
How late can you be to class before it is considered a "way late" tardy?
Ten (10) minutes
When can you come talk to Mrs. Dragoo? (office hours)
Before school: 7:30-7:55
Pride Time
After school: 3:00-3:20
What are Mrs. Dragoo's five classroom rules?
1. Respect others and be kind to everyone
2. If it's not yours ask before using it
3. Water is allowed; other food and drink is not\
4. Unless told to, do not move desk or chairs
5. Do not spray perfumes or body sprays in the classroom.
What happens if you consistently DO NOT follow classroom policies?
The same consequences you would get if you don't follow classroom rules (or loss of privileges)
WJMS is a closed campus. What does that mean?
It means you may NOT leave the school grounds during school hours.
How long does Mrs. Dragoo drive to get to school?
One hour