This man is one of the first warlords of the see that Luffy defeats
Who is Crocodile
Portgas D. Rouge was pregnant for more than two standard gestaional periods or this many months
What is 20 months
fittingly Kuma, the man who ate the paw-paw fruit, his name means this
What is Bear
This character share the same VA as Pikachu
Who is Chopper
This arc is the first appearance of Laboon, the second appearance being 300 episodes later in Thriller Bark
What is Reverse Mountain
This character is known for running experiments on and drugging children
Who is Caesar Clown
While you only need to find 4 Road Poneglyphs to fine the One Piece there are this many in total
What is 30
one of the first members of big mom's crew that we meet, tamago, has a name meaning this
What is Egg
This rational and deadpan character shares a VA with the equally rational and deadpan Akagi from NGE
Who is Robin
Vivi chooses not to travel with luffy's crew post alabasta but she does travel with them for a bit prior starting in this arc
What is Whiskey Peak
Though the One Piece world might not seem technologically advanced, some humans have found ways to cybernetically enhance themselves becoming one of these
What is a Cyborg
Zoro is know for having three swords but he has lost and broken some along the way making is total owned this
What is 6
kuro, kaya's butler and nothing else, also has a very fitting name that translates to this
What is black
i promise im not lying when i say this character shares the same VA as L from Death note
Who is Usopp
The first time we learn the name of joy boy was in this arc when robin translates a poneglyph that he wrote
What is Fishman Island
This area surrounding Amazon Lily has a deceiving name that you think would mean pirates could easily pass through it
What is the Calm Belt
Though it is wildly regarded as one of the "longest" arcs, Skypiea only has this many episodes
What is 42
Admiral Akainu, famed donut maker, has a name that translates to combination of a fitting color and a less fitting animal.
What is red dog
in the one piece x dragon ball z super collaboration special this VA did the voice for both Krillin and this OP character
Who is Luffy
in this arc blackbeard mentions Haki by name for the first time in the series
What is Jaya
This aptly named director of the Ohara Library
Who is professor Clover
Brogy and Dorry fought for almost one hundred years meeting this many times in battle
What is 73,470
Admiral Kizaru, the man made of light, has a name that translates to a combination of a fitting color and an animal that would probably be more fitting for Luffy.
What is yellow monkey
This character shares a VA with Kerioil from Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon
Who is Zoro
This is the arc when the ancient weapons, specfically pluton, is first mentioned
What is Alabasta