Group 1 Kami
Group 6 Nicole
Group 3 Dana
Group 4 Kendra
Group 5 Shay

Patient comes in for a major procedure and states to the nurse he is scared that he wont

wake up. Nurse replies that this procedure is simple and you have the best surgeon on staff,

you'll be fine, there's nothing to worry about.

Which therapeutic block is this

a. agreeing/disagreeing

b. advising

c. False reassurance

d. minimizing/belittling

1. C is right because you never tell a patient what the outcome will be


What are the five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? (Select all that apply)

a. Self-actualization

b. Self-esteem

c. Self-reflection

d. Love

e. Safety

f. Physiological

1. A,B,D,E,F; Self-reflection isn’t listed as one of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

that motivate behavior. Self-reflection is a process that helps achieve these



Therapeutic Communication:

  1. Reading the examples select all that apply for therapeutic communication

  2. Asking the patient why they are having the emotions they are 

  3. Inviting the patient to express their feelings on a recent loss and giving them a safe space.

  4. Asking the patient how they are doing with the loss of a loved one. 

  5. Telling the patient everyone dies that “you'll get over it”

Therapeutic Communication Rationales

Reading the examples select all that apply for therapeutic communication

B- inviting the patient into a safe space to express their emotions is great for therapeutic communications 

C-opening up a line of communication about how they are feeling after a loss is great therapeutic communication.


Erickson is an example of what kind of theorist?

a. Psychosocial

b. Moral

c. Cognitive/behavioral

d. Psychoanalytical

a. psychosocial: Erickson wrote eight stages of psychosocial development.


Which theorists is known for behavior influenced by unconscious memories, thoughts,

and urges?

A. Maslow

B. Kohlberg

C. Erikson

D. Frued

1.) Frued

Rationale- He is the theorist for psychoanalytic theories


2. Patient comes in for a procedure and states that he still has some questions about his

procedure and would like to talk to the doctor about those concerns. The nurse states, why do

you need to talk to the doctor? You can ask me, you'll be fine I promise. What block/s were

stated in this (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

A . closed ended question

B. false reassurance

C. advising

D. using the word why

E. agreeing/disagreeing

b , d are the correct answers because you dont use “why” questions and you never tell a

patient that they will be “fine” ( false reassurance)


According to Kohlberg, at which stage do individuals start to consider that rules

and laws are important?

a. Pre-conventional

b. Conventional

c. Post-conventional

d. Autonomous

2. B; Kohlberg’s moral development, individuals start to see societal rules and

laws as important because they help maintain social order and good



2) Reading the examples, what are some signs of therapeutic blocks in communication? Select all that apply.

  1. Belittling 

  2. Praise 

  3. Positive reassurance 

  4. Advising 

  5. Close ended questions

2) Reading the examples, what are some signs of therapeutic blocks in communication? Select all that apply.

A) Belittling- belittling a patient is an example of a therapeutic block because you are making your patient feel small.

D) Advising As nurses we are not aloud to to advise our patients 

E) close ended questions, always start with open ended questions never close ended questions because you will get a close ended answer.


At which stage, did theorist Piaget believe that children start thinking


a. Formal operational stage

b. Sensorimotor

c. Concrete operational stage

d. Preoperational stage

d. preoperational stage: thinking is limited and centered on oneself.


Which sentence best describes regression?

A. A wife is cheating on her husband she sees her husband talking to the mail lady

and begins to accuse him of cheating.

B. A boy knows he is gay but doesn't want anyone to know so he makes fun of the


C. A young girl who lost her mom in a car accident begins to act out in school.

D. An older man has a bad habit of overusing alcohol but he makes sure to exercise

daily and eat healthy.

2.) The young girl who lost her mom in a car accident and tends to act out in school.

Rationale- people seem to return to an earlier developmental stage


3. What is the most abused drug in the United states?

a. Marijuana

b. Methamphetamines

c. Alcohol

d. Narcotics

3. C; According to statistics, Alcohol is the most abused drug


A nurse is assessing a patient who is a victim of human trafficking, which of the

following signs should the nurse look for? (Select all that apply)

a. Poor living conditions

b. Inability to speak alone

c. Signs of physical abuse

d. Having identifying documents held by someone else.

3. A,B,C,D; Victims of human trafficking can be of any age, gender or nationality


Anorexia/ Bulimia:

What are signs of an anorexic patient? Select all that apply.

  1. Vomiting

  2. Using laxatives

  3. More weight loss

  4. Eats, then starts to feel guilty

Anorexia/Bulimia Answers:

What are signs of an anorexic patient?

Rationale 1: C- An anorexic patient does not eat at all while a patient with bulimia does eat.

                 D- When an anorexic patient does eat they begin to feel guilt like they did something wrong.


3. How would the Practical Nurse identify abuse in the assessment of a child?

(select all that apply)

a. Child throwing a temper tantrum

b. Unexplained injuries

c. Child not wanting to speak with nurse without presence of parent

d. Knowing more about the human anatomy then they should know

e. A child that is well nourished

a. b. d. child throwing a temper tantrums can be seen as unusual emotional

disturbances, unexplained injuries are always a reason to suspect abuse, and

any time a child posses’ knowledge beyond their years such as human anatomy

genitals, sexually, etc. it is a need to be concerned.


What are the four stages of abuse?

A. Denial, Anger, Acceptance, Depression.

B. Tension, Neglect, Physical, Apology.

C. Tension, Incident, Reconciliation, Calm.

4.) C- Tension, Incident, Reconciliation, and Calm


4. What is a severe form of alcohol withdrawal that involves sudden severe physical and or

psychological changes?

a. Addiction

b. Side effects

c. Tolerance

d. delirium tremens

4. D; Tolerance is an increased amount of the chemical needed to produce the same effect

that one dose once produced, addiction is a physical dependence on a drug, and side

effects are the expected effects of the drug


A nurse is educating a community group about human trafficking. Which

statement should the nurse include?

a. Human trafficking only involves sexual exploitation

b. Victims of human trafficking can be of any age, gender or nationality

c. Human trafficking is the same as human smuggling

d. Only women and children are victims of human trafficking

4. B; All are signs of human trafficking.



  1. All of the following are signs of imminent death except:

  2. Terminal agitation occurs

  3. Consciousness increases

  4. Desire for food and drink decreases

  5. Breathing pattern changes

Hospice Rationale 1) B. Consciousness increases is the correct answer because consciousness will decrease not increase. Terminal Agitation Occurs, Desire for food and drink decreases, breathing pattern changes are all signs of imminent death.


What does the Practical Nurse have the responsibility to do if they suspect child

abuse or neglect? (select all that apply)

a. Nothing

b. Report to the primary health care provider

c. Challenge the parent

d. Report to child protect services or appropriate state agencies

b. d. A mandated reporter doesn’t have to have physical evidence; mere

suspicion is enough of a basis for a mandated reporter to make a report. A

mandated reporter is obligated to report suspicion of abuse or neglect.


What are characteristics of abusers? (Select all that apply.)

A. Sudden change in appearance

B. Sudden drastic mood swings

C. A belief in patriarchal

D. Cries a lot

E. Blames others for their problems

3.) B- sudden drastic mood swings

      C- A belief in patriarchal

      E- blames others for their problems


6. Johns visits his wife everyday at the nursing home but last week she died from a sudden

heart attack he still comes out to eat lunch at their table everyday for lunch what stage of grief is

john in?

a. Barganing

b. Depression

c. Acceptance

d. denial

6. D; John is in denial, thinking that maybe he will see his wife if he continues to keep

coming back.


Mr. T loss his wife 6 months ago and he no longer goes to weekly bingo. He

visits her grave every morning and finds himself going through her belongings

multiple times a day. What kind of grief is he experiencing?

a. Complicated grief

b. Depression

c. Mourning

5. A; Complicated grief is a severe prolonged reaction to loss that disrupts daily

life and requires professional intervention

  1. What can be given for dyspnea select all that apply

  2. Haldol

  3. Ativan

  4. Morphine

  5. Lorazepam

Hospice Rationale 2) Ativan, Morphine, and lorazepam can all be given to treat dyspnea. Haldol is given to treat agitation and delirium.


5. What makes a person eligible to receive palliative care? (select all that apply)

a. Serious illness

b. Caught a cold

c. In need of comfort care

d. In need of end-of-life care

e. Palliative care is only for the home

5. a. c. A serious illness despite when it started is eligible for palliative care.

Palliative care is usually focused on comfort care.


Which is true about mourning bereavement? (Select all that apply)

A. A process of working through or resolving one's grief.

B. Behavioral state of thoughts, feelings, and activities that follow loss.

C. There is no right or wrong way to grieve.

D. Disturbances of mood, sleep, and self-esteem.

E. It may last a short amount of time or leave deep scar emotionally.

6.) A- process of working through or resolving one's grief.

     B- behavioral state of thoughts, feelings, and activities that follow loss

     C- there is no right or wrong way to grieve

     E- It may last a short amount of time and leave a deep scar emotionally.

Rationale- Everyone processes grief differently. This allows the individual to remain emotionally detached and to become an observer of the situation.
