Best Practices
Housing 101

 follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can’t touch me or catch me. What am I?

Your shadow


Which groups of people are more susceptible to homelessness? (There are 4)

What is 1. People living in “doubled up” situations 2. People discharged from prison 3. Young adults leaving foster care 4. People without health insurance


What is in order for a person to agree to services, he or she must have the capacity to give permission willingly?

Informed consent


 What is the difference between the housing first and treatment first approaches?

What is the housing First is an approach to ending homelessness that centers on providing homeless people with housing as quickly as possible – and then providing services as needed. while treatment first programs reverse this sequence and require detoxification and sobriety before giving access to services such as independent housing.


What common problem comes with RRH programs?

Clients rely entirely on the program, clients quit employment after securing housing, clients don't plan for the future


What artist name is Peter Gene Hernandez?

Bruno Mars


True or False? Young people are at far greater risk of becoming homeless if their parents engage in substance abuse or have mental health problems, if there is child abuse or neglect in the home, if the family has been homeless previously, or if they identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered

What is true.


A housing model that provides time-limited subsidy and services and where the lease is held by the tenant.

Rapid Rehousing


What is the current percentage of permanent supportive housing available to meet the homeless need? 10% or 5% 



True or false? The amount of affordable housing has increased over the recent years.

What is false. Levels of poverty have increased while the amount of affordable housing has decreased.


What has to be broken before you can use it?

An egg


True or false? Over one billion people on the planet lack adequate housing, while around 100 million have no housing whatsoever.

What is true.


What is considered therapeutic in a case manager's intervention?

The case manager can help the client learn life skills that will make the client more effective in his or her daily life.


True or false? The government cannot change the definition of homelessness.

False. Sometimes they try to end it by creating a different definition of homelessness and it becomes such a stringent definition and it makes it look like things are getting better and homelessness rates are decreasing, but they really aren't.


What does the Acronym "HMIS" stand for?

Homeless Management Information System


You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. How is that possible?

All the people on the boat were married.


More than how many percent of mothers with children experiencing homelessness have previously experienced domestic violence in their lifetime. a. 35% b. 80% c. 79%

b. 80%


How can you set a client up for success?

Help the family plan for the future


A site based program from which resident must move after 12-18 months.

transitional housing


What does HUD stand for?

What is U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right?

Your right elbow


What type of homelessness is on the rise again? a. youth b. single mothers c. family d. mentally ill adults

c. family


What is the Golden Rule ?

Treat People the Way You Want To Be Treated


Indefinite housing subsidy and services support provided by the agency

permanent supportive housing


Name three negative effects of homelessness on children/teens.

What is: -Experience poor health -Higher rates of chronic illness (asthma, mental health issues, poor nutrition, etc.) -Multiple school transfers -Lack of quiet space for homework -Prolonged absence from school -Chaos of living in the streets impedes learning and access to educational opportunities
