Purple in History
Purple in Nature
Purple in Pop Culture
Purple in Food and Drink
Purple in Art and Fashion

This ancient civilization was the first to produce the coveted Tyrian purple dye from sea snails.

What is Phoenicia?


This purple flower is a symbol of spring and is often associated with the Dutch countryside.

What is the tulip?


This musician is famous for his song "Purple Rain" and is often associated with the color purple.

Who is Prince?


This popular grape-flavored soda is known for its bright purple color and is often paired with soul food.

What is grape soda?


This fashion brand is known for its "Purple Label" line, representing the pinnacle of its luxury menswear collection.

What is Ralph Lauren?


The Roman Emperor who wore a purple toga was known as "the Purple."

Who is Julius Caesar?


This type of cabbage is known for its deep purple color and is commonly used in salads.

What is red cabbage?


This animated character, known for his love of hamburgers, is a purple blob who often helps out Ronald McDonald.

Who is Grimace?


This purple vegetable, often used in Mediterranean cuisine, is known for its versatility in dishes like baba ganoush and ratatouille.

What is the eggplant?


This French artist, famous for his water lily paintings, frequently used purple hues to capture the changing light of day.

Who is Claude Monet?


This 15th-century Byzantine Emperor attempted to preserve the empire and wore a purple robe as a symbol of his royal authority.

Who is Constantine XI?


This fruit, often used in making jams and jellies, has a deep purple skin and is a symbol of wealth in some cultures.

What is a plum?


This 1985 film, directed by Steven Spielberg, is an adaptation of Alice Walker’s novel and features a title referencing the color purple.

What is "The Color Purple"?


This type of purple-skinned potato, native to South America, is known for its vibrant color and high antioxidant content.

What is the purple Peruvian potato?


This famous Dutch post-impressionist painter created a series of paintings of irises, many of which are purple.

Who is Vincent van Gogh?


This French king, known for his lavish lifestyle, was often depicted in royal portraits wearing purple, symbolizing his divine right to rule.

Who is Louis XIV?


This small, edible purple flower is often used as a garnish and has a mild, sweet flavor.

What is a violet?


In this Disney animated film, the villain Maleficent is often shown surrounded by a glowing purple aura.

What is "Sleeping Beauty"?


This purple-colored rice is a staple in Thai cuisine and is often used in desserts.

What is black rice (also known as forbidden rice)?


This Italian luxury fashion brand, whose name translates to "purple" in English, is known for its minimalist and chic designs.

What is "Prada" (derived from "Prato," Italian for "meadow," often associated with green or purple hues)?


This famous ancient Roman law restricted the use of Tyrian purple to the elite and was part of the broader sumptuary laws.

What is the Lex Oppia?


This purple sea creature, known for its venomous sting, can be found in the waters of Australia.

What is the purple jellyfish?


This British rock band released an album titled "Deep Purple in Rock" in 1970, which became a landmark in hard rock and heavy metal music.

What is Deep Purple?


This rare and expensive ingredient, derived from purple crocus flowers, is used to flavor and color dishes such as paella and risotto.

What is saffron?


This famous English photographer, known for his fashion and celebrity portraits, frequently used purple lighting to create dramatic effects.

Who is David Bailey?
