The West Coast
Miss Manners
British Foods
Fictional Locations
Natural Disasters
Animal Idioms
Yay, Literacy!!

Approximately one million people a year visit this cheese factory, known particularly for its cheddar and gourmet ice cream, just north of its namesake town on the Oregon coast.

What is Tillamook Creamery?


These lighting devices are considered inappropriate at a luncheon, as luncheons are considered more casual than dinner. Also, luncheons are at a time where natural light is prevalent, making them unnecessary. 

What are candles?


Bubble and Squeak is a side dish named for the noise it makes when you cook it. It contains these two ingredients, mixed together and fried, one is a popular starchy veg, the other is the main ingredient in cole slaw. 

What is Potato and cabbage


Dorothy Gale, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion travel to find the famous wizard of this two-letter land.;

What is Oz?


The US has approximately 1000 of these natural disasters every year. They mostly strike low-lying areas (the Plains states are often called "this" Alley) but they have been seen as high as an 11,000 ft elevation. 

What is a Tornado?


There are post-cocoon lepidoptera is in your food digesting organ. ( to feel nervous or anxious, especially before a performance or event.)

What is Butterflies in your stomach?


This wartime aviator and renowned British author wrote children's books including "James and the Giant Peach," "Matilda" and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

Who is Roald Dahl?


This popular two-word Rum cocktail takes its name from the Tahitian word for “good” or “excellent”, but was actually invented in Oakland, California in 1944.

What is the Mai Tai?


 A man can carry a woman's coat and drop it at the coat check, but according to etiquette, a man should never carry this for her.  

What is her purse?


Often served with fish and chips, this side is made with a spherical green legume, soaked and simmered till it can be smashed into a paste and seasoned with salt, pepper and sometimes mint. 

What are Mushy Peas?

(some language in the clip)


To get to this magical land created by CS Lewis, Aslan has to want you there. From there, just find a portal through a wardrobe.

What is Narnia?


On May 18, 1980, this stratovolcano in Washington erupted, making it the deadliest and most economically destructive volcanic event in U.S. history.Fifty-seven people were killed; 200 homes, 47 bridges, 15 miles of railways, and 185 miles of highway were destroyed. 

What is Mt St Helens?


Take the reigns of your domesticated equine animal and DO NOT LET GO!!

(Asking someone to please be patient)

What is Hold Your Horses?


Margaret Mitchell wrote this 1936 novel which is set during the American Civil War and Reconstruction era. The book became a massive success, winning the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937 and later being adapted into a highly acclaimed film in 1939

What is Gone With the Wind?


This newspaper tycoon was the inspiration for Citizen Kane and has his own castle estate in San Simeon, CA that was built in 1947.  

Who is William Randolph Hearst?


In etiquette rules, these two staple seasonings are like a couple; you should never send one without the other. Even if the person doesn't ask for both , chances are they'll end up wanting it, or someone near them will.

What are salt and pepper?


A dish we have here often, its minced meat (often lamb or beef) and vegetables covered in creamy mashed potatoes and baked. 

What is Shepherd's Pie?


To get to the Neighborhood of Make Believe, you take a trolley from this man's neighborhood, through a wall, toward the castle of King Friday XIII and Queen Sarah Saturday. 

Who is Mr Rogers?


This natural disaster, measured on the Palmer Index, is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall. This can last for days, months or even years and can have large impacts on the ecosystems and agriculture of affected regions, and causes harm to the local economy. 

What is a drought?

Take all of your short-necked water fowl and line them up, all nice and orderly.

(to make all necessary preparations before you get started)

What is Get All Your Ducks in a Row?

The Artful Dodger is a character from this Charles Dickens novel first published in 1837. He is a clever and charismatic pickpocket who introduces the orphaned title character to a life of crime under the tutelage of Fagin.

What is Oliver Twist?


According to legend, Puget Sound, in this state, was created by giant lumberjack, Paul Bunyan. 

What is Washington?


At a passed plate dinner party, plates should be passed in this direction. 

What is Counterclockwise?


This traditional Easter fare (and a song you probably learned to play on the recorder as a child) is a yeasted bread  filled with spices and various fruits such as currants, raisins, and/or candied citrus. Has a very specific marking on top. 


Scotland native Robert Louis Stevenson wrote about this place with a sad and grey forest and a spyglass-shaped tree in a novel where a boy named Jim Hawkins meets a one-legged pirate named Long John Silver.

What is Treasure Island?


A shift in these large rocks of the Earth's lithosphere can cause tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Underwater, they can crack open and allow molten rock to rise to the surface. Above, the earthquakes can start a chain reaction that leads to large tsunamis that can travel across the waves and cause damage when they hit land.

What are tectonic plates?


There's a buzzy pollinator in your flowery hat. 

(If you have this, you may be obsessed with an idea which you can’t stop thinking about. )

What is a Bee in your Bonnet?


This American writer and poet was born in Boston in 1809 (died in Baltimore, 1849) and his stories lean toward the dark and spooky. His The Murders in the Rue Morgue is considered the first detective story and the Baltimore NFL Football team named themselves after his most famous poem. 

Who is Edgar Allan Poe? 


Phil Knight, founder of this athletic shoe company, is an alumni of the University of Oregon and also received his MBA from Stanford in 1962. 

What is Nike?


If you are hosting a "weekend" guest, you should expect them to stay through breakfast on this day. 

What is Monday?


This is the traditional dessert of the Wimbledon tennis tournament, enjoyed by spectators and players alike. The two-ingredient treat is seasonal and refreshing for the summer, pairing tartness and smoothness.

What is Strawberries and Cream?


The majority of this writer's stories take place in two fictional cities in Maine - Castle Rock and Derry. 

Who is Stephen King?


The Fujiwhara Effect refers to the phenomenon where two of these storms, when close enough, rotate around a common center and interact with each other. This interaction can result in one storm overpowering the other, causing it to weaken or change direction, or they could both merge into a single storm.

What are hurricanes?


Take a small mound of earth, tossed up by a subterranean animal and structure it into the Himalayas.

(To take something trivial and exaggerate its importance)

What is making a mountain out of a molehill?


In this book by George Orwell, the pig named Napoleon becomes the leader after the animals overthrow their human farmer. Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin and his rise to power in the Soviet Union, using manipulation and force to control the other animals on the farm. 

What is Animal Farm?
