0,1,2,3 Conditionals + Alternatives to IF
Reported Speech
Passive Voice
Gerund vs Infinitive
Articles / Have Something DONE

Choose the correct answer:

1. If I ___ the lottery, I'd give some of the money to each member of my family.

a) win

b) have won

c) will win

d) won



What's wrong with these sentences?

1. She said, “They must carry on their work.”  

She said that they must to carry on their work.

2.  “They may go to the zoo. 

They said they have to go to the zoo.

1. must to - NOOOO!!! HAD TO (must - have to)

2. have to - NOOOO!!! MIGHT ( may - might)


Make active from passive:

1.A novel is being read by Dan.

2.The lottery will be won by her.

1. Dan is reading a novel.

2.She will win the lottery.


Everyone keeps __________ me how lucky I am. I'm not so sure. 

a) to tell

b) telling 

c) tell


  1. When was the last time you ____ your eyes _____? (have / test)
  2. When was the last time you ____ your blood pressure _____?(have / take)

1. had / tested

2. had / taken


Choose the best option:

1.Remind Tony about the party _____ he's forgotten.

a) in case

b) unless

c) provided that

d) except

2. If you see John, _____ her to give me a ring or drop a line.

a) you will tell

b) tell to

c) you would have told

d) tell

1. a)

2. d)


Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary. 

1. Teacher: "Don't forget your homework!"
The teacher reminded me ____________

2. Sabine:"Meet Sandy at the station!"
Sabine told me ___________________

3.  Robert:"Is Tim leaving on Friday?"
Yesterday Robert asked me _________________

1. The teacher reminded me not to forget my homework. 

2. Sabine told me to meet Sandy at the station. 

3. Yesterday Robert asked me if Tim was leaving on Friday. 


Choose the correct option:

1. We made mistakes. 

a)Mistakes was made. 

b)Mistakes were made. 

c)Mistakes had been made 

2. They haven't brought the book back yet. 

a)The book haven't been brought back yet. 

b)The book haven't been brought yet back. 

c)The book hasn't been brought back yet. 

1. b)

2. c)


Gerund or Infinitive?

1. I can't imagine Peter (to go / going) by bike.

2. This question is easy (to answer/ answer / answering).

3. She doesn't mind (to work / working / work) the night shift.

1. going

2. to answer

3. working


Moving to (the / a / an) United States was (a /the) most exciting thing I have ever done. I moved last year to (- /the) New York. New York is (an / the) exciting city, full of (- / the) adventure. In fact, I saw (a / the / -) famous actor on (the / a) street yesterday!

the / the / - / an / - / a / the


Choose the most suitable verb forms in each sentence.

1. Why didn't you tell me? If you told/had told me, I had helped/would have helped you. 

2. Tery never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches/caught/had caught a fish, he throws/would throw it back.

3. If the machine stops/will stop, you press/will press this button.

1. had told / would have helped

2.caught / would throw

3. stops / press 


Find the mistake: 

1. "I am not going to tolerate this any more," said Sarah.
Sarah said she was not going to tolerate this any more.

2. "We never eat fish," claimed Bill.
Bill claimed that they had never eaten fish.

1. Sarah said she was not going to tolerate THAT any more.

2. Bill claimed that they never ATE meat.


Write sentences in the passive.

1. Our car / service / a mechanic / at the moment.

2. This photograph / take / my grandpa.

3. I went to see it because I / tell / it was a good movie / all my friends.

1. Our car is being serviced by a mechanic at the moment.

2. This photograph was taken by my grandpa.

3. I went to see it because I had been told it was a good movie by all my friends. 


Choose the correct answer:

  1. Edward often thinks of ____ trees. (climbing / to climb)

  2. She doesn't feel like ___ on the computer. ( to like / liking / like)
  3. They're afraid of ____ the match. (losing / to lose / lose)

1. climbing

2. like

3. losing


1. (- / The) Mount Everest is the highest mountain on (- / the) Earth.

2. Our friends (the / -)Millers moved to Florida last July.

3. Before we landed at (- / the) JFK airport, we saw (- / the) Statue of Liberty,  (- / the) Ellis Island and (- /the) Empire State Building. 

1. - / -

2. the

3. - / the / -/ the


Rewrite the sentence, beginning with the word given. Don't change the meaning.

1. If you hadn't told me about Sue's hair, I wouldn't have noticed! 

Unless _______________________

2. It would be nice to be able to fly a plane.

I wish I __________

3. What a pity we ate all the food.

If only ________________________

1. Unless you told me about Sue's hair, I wouldn't have noticed. 

2. I wish I could fly a plane.

3. If only we hadn't eaten 


Rewrite the sentences in the reported speech:

1. "It is too late to apologize," I said.

2. "I cannot come to your birthday party," explained Mary. 

3. "I will pay for it tomorrow," he suggested. 

1. I said it was  too late to apologize.

2. Mary explained that she couldn't come to my birthday party. 

3. He suggested he would pay for it the next day (the following day).


You have been working for a long time, so it's high time to do some physical exercises. 

Jump 5 times :) 






Yesterday I ....    (You did or someone else did it: I cooked / I had my dinner cooked)

1. Repair computer

2. Change the light bulb

3. Fix the bicycle

4. Translate a French/Chinese song



Find and correct the mistakes.

1. I can come as long that you can drive me back. (2 possible answers)

2. If it were up to me, I had a smaller car. 

3. I'll go instead as soon as you don't wanna. 

1. providing that / as long as 

2. would have

3. if


Transform into indirect:

1. How are you?

2. Why did you come late?

1. He asked me how I was.

2. He asked her whay she had come late. 


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 

1. No decision has yet been made. (decided)

Nothing ______________________yet. 

2. Your hair needs cutting. (get) 

You ought ____________________ cut. 

3. The police were following the suspects. (were) 

The suspects _______________________police. 

1. has been decided

2. to get your hair 

3. were being followed by the


Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form: 

  1. Even though I felt like __________ /PERSUADE/ her __________ /GO/ on __________ /TALK/, I did not let myself __________ /IMPOSE/  anything like that, especially that she was just about __________ /FINISH/  her speech.
  2. Helen had better ____________ /STOP/ ____________ /CRITICISE/ people behind their backs. 

1. persuading / to go / talking / impose / to finish

2. stop / criticizing / to consider 


1. What was the toughest grammar topic from the course?

2. What was the easiest one?

Free answer
