Lab Safety
Engineering Design Process
Mr. Rivera

If a laboratory fire erupts, immediately 

A. notify your instructor.

B. run for the fire extinguisher. 

C. throw water on the fire. 

D. open the windows.

A. notify your instructor.

In engineering, the design process begins when...

a. Information about an existing product is gather by an engineer.

b. An engineering design team comes up with ideas for a new product.

c. A design engineer recognizes the need for a solution to a problem.

c. A design engineer recognizes the need for a solution to a problem.


What are the three parts of the CER writing model.

Claim, evidence, reasoning 


What is the study of life called?



How many siblings does Mr. Rivera have?

2 sisters


When you finish working with chemicals, biological specimens, and other lab substances, always 

A. treat your hands with skin lotion.

B. wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. 

C. wipe your hands on a towel. 

D. wipe your hands on your clothes.

B. wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.


When finding the solution to an engineering design problem, there is/are usually… 

a. only one possible correct solution 

b. a very limited number of possible correct solutions

c. many possible correct solutions

c. many possible correct solutions


Claim, evidence or reasoning?

Last week, there were 2 leaves on our plant, and 6 leaves today.



What are the three rock types?

Metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous 


What grade(s) does Mr. Rivera teach this year?

6th and 8th


Approved eye protection devices (such as goggles) are worn in the laboratory 

A. to avoid eye strain. 

B. to improve your vision. 

C. only if you don’t have corrective glasses.

D. any time chemicals, heat or glassware are used.

D. any time chemicals, heat or glassware are used.


During a brainstorming session we want to focus more on:

a. quantity of ideas rather than quality

b. quality of ideas rather than quantity

a. quantity of ideas rather than quality


What are examples of evidence?

Answers may vary


What are rocks made of?



How old is Mr. Rivera?



True or False: Hot glass looks the same as cold glass.



Although the terms “model” and “prototype” are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. A _______ is used to test different aspects of a product before the design is finalized. A ______ is used to demonstrate or explain how a product will look or function. 

a. model, prototype 

b. prototype, model

b. prototype, model


Which of the following includes reasoning?

a. We took two pictures. One had yellow leaves and the one on the windowsill had green leaves.

b. our plant on the windowsill grew more and was green. I know that plants need sunlight to grow, so the green color might have something to do with getting the light they need.

c. Our plant in the closet is yellow. The plant on the window is growing. They are different colors.

b. our plant on the windowsill grew more and was green. I know that plants need sunlight to grow, so the green color might have something to do with getting the light they need.


What is the study of the earth?



What is Mr. Rivera favorite sports team?

Cleveland Cavs


You are heating a piece of glass and now want to pick it up. You should 

A. use a rag or paper towels. 

B. pick up the end that looks cooler.

C. use tongs. 

D. pour cold water on it.

C. use tongs. 


Engineers must understand the difference between requirements and constraints. Let’s say a team of engineers is asked to design a pair of kids’ tennis shoes for less than $20. They determine that the only way to manufacture shoes for this price is to use recycled materials. What is the team’s constraint? 

The shoes must cost less than 20 dollars to manufacture.


Why is it important to have numerous pieces of evidence?

Because if you have multiple pieces of evidence, it makes it more likely for the data to be accurate and support your claim.


Name two types of igenous rock samples.

granite, rhyolite, basalt,

obsidian, pumice and andesite.

What two national parks did Mr. Rivera visit this summer?

Great Smoky Mountains and New River Gorge
