Who, What, Where, Why, When, How?

Did You Catch That?
What Word Is It?
What Does It Mean?

Mia found a lost puppy wandering around her neighborhood. She gently picked it up and looked for its owner. After asking her neighbors, she discovered the puppy belonged to a family two streets over. Mia happily returned the puppy and was thanked with a basket of homemade cookies. 

1. What did Mia find wandering around her neighborhood?

2. How did Mia find the puppy’s owner?

3. What did Mia receive as a thank-you gift?

Mia found a lost puppy and asked her neighbors to see if she could find the owners. The owner gave her cookies to thank her.

  • Take out two slices of bread.
  • Spread mayonnaise on one side of each slice.
  • Place a slice of cheese and some ham on one of the slices.
  • Put the two slices of bread together.

What are you doing and what did you need to do before you started this task?

You're making a sandwich. Before you started you needed to get out a plate and a knife.


When the teacher said we could have extra time on the test, everyone felt a sense of __________. 

Which word best completes the sentence?




What does it mean? 

Definition: To examine something in detail to understand it better or to draw conclusions from it.


How are apples and oranges the same?

How are they different?

Compare: Both are fruits and provide vitamins.
Contrast: Apples are usually crunchy and come in various colors like red, green, and yellow, while oranges are juicy and typically orange in color.


James was excited to start his new art class. On the first day, the teacher asked everyone to draw a picture of their favorite place. James drew a colorful beach scene with palm trees and waves. His classmates admired his artwork and shared their own drawings.

1. What was the assignment in James’s art class?

2. What did James draw for his assignment?

3. How did James's classmates react to his drawing?

James was asked to draw his favorite place. He drew a beach and his classmates liked his picture.

  • Write your name in the "Name" field.
  • Enter your address in the "Address" field.
  • Write today’s date in the "Date" field.
  • Sign your name at the bottom.

What were you doing and what did you have to do first?

Completing a form. Before you started, you had to find something to write with.


After the heavy rain, the ground was so __________ that walking through the park was almost impossible. 

Which word best completes the sentence?




What does it mean?

Definition: To reach a decision or judgment after considering information.


How are dogs and cats the same?

How are they different?

Compare: Both are popular pets and can be kept in homes.
Contrast: Dogs are often more social and enjoy going for walks, while cats are usually more independent and prefer to stay indoors.


Lily's family went camping in the mountains for the weekend. They set up their tent by a beautiful lake and roasted marshmallows over the campfire. At night, they listened to the sounds of nature and looked at the stars. Lily was amazed by how clear the night sky was compared to the city.

  1. Where did Lily's family go for the weekend?
  2. What did they do by the campfire?
  3. What did Lily notice about the night sky?

Lily's family went camping in the mountains. They roasted marshmallows by the campfire and noticed that the night sky was very clear.

  • Clear the desk of any clutter.
  • Place your notebook and textbooks on the desk.
  • Arrange your pens and pencils in a holder.
  • Turn on your desk lamp for proper lighting.

What are you doing and why are you doing that?

You are getting your study area ready to do homework or study for a test.


She wore a thick coat and gloves because it was __________ outside, and she wanted to stay warm. 

Which word best completes the sentence? 




What does it mean?

Definition: To look at two or more things to see how they are similar and different.


How are summer and winter the same? 

How are they different?

Compare: Both are seasons of the year and have holidays associated with them.
Contrast: Summer is typically warm and sunny, while winter is cold and often involves snow.


Tom and his sister Sarah went to the park on a sunny afternoon. They played on the swings and had a picnic by the lake. Just as they were about to leave, Tom spotted a colorful kite stuck in a tree. Sarah helped him retrieve it, and they enjoyed flying it until sunset.

  1. What activities did Tom and Sarah do at the park?
  2. What did Tom find stuck in the tree?
  3. How did Tom and Sarah use the object after retrieving it?

Tom and Sarah went on the swings and had a picnic in the park. Tom found a kite and then the kids flew the kite until the sun went down.


When planning a day trip, choose a destination and check the weather forecast. Pack essential items such as snacks, water, and a map of the area. Finally, ensure your vehicle has enough fuel before setting out on your adventure. 

What should you do first?

Before you do anything else, you should choose where you are going and check the weather forecast.

When he found out he had won the award, he couldn’t stop __________ with excitement. 

Which word best completes the sentence?

Talking, smiling, or laughing.



What does it mean?

Definition: Important or meaningful; having a major effect.


How is reading a book and watching a movie the same?

How is it different?

Compare: Both can be ways to experience a story or learn about new topics.
Contrast: Reading a book allows you to imagine the scenes and characters in your mind, while watching a movie shows you the story visually with actors and special effects.


Emma found a small, shiny key in her backyard while digging for worms. She wondered what it could unlock and decided to search around her house. After some exploring, she discovered it opened an old, forgotten chest in the attic. Inside the chest were old photographs and letters from her grandparents.

  1. Where did Emma find the key?
  2. What did Emma find in the chest?
  3. How did Emma discover what the key opened?

Emma found a key in her backyard. She searched around her house to find that the key fit in an old chest full of pictures.


To make a cup of coffee, start by filling the coffee maker’s reservoir with water. Next, place a coffee filter in the basket and add the desired amount of coffee grounds. Once everything is set, turn on the coffee maker and let it brew. 

How do you start to make a pot of coffee?

First, you fill the water reservoir up with water.


The kids were excited and __________ when they saw the amusement park in the distance. 

Which word best completes the sentence?

Happy, enthusiastic, thrilled.


What does it mean?

Definition: To find out or establish something through investigation or calculation.


How is living in the country the same as living in the city?

How is it different?

Compare: Both are places where people live and have their own unique communities.
Contrast: Living in the city usually means having access to many services and entertainment options, while living in the country often offers more space and a closer connection to nature.
