Learner Characteristics
Teaching Methods
Class Safety
Swim for Life Program
Evaluation, Feedback, Communication, and Planning

What are the 7 different age groups defined in chapter 3 of the Instructor Manual?

1. 6 months to 1 year

2. 1 to 3 years 

3. 3 to 5 years

4. 5 to 8 years

5. 8 to 12 years 

6. 13 to 18 years

7. 18+


What are the 4 different teaching methods discussed in class?

1. Teacher-centred 

2. Learner-centred

3. Teaching with games

4. Teaching with songs


What are formations and why are they used?

Formations are the way learners are positioned to facilitate learning and safety. Formations are used to help the instructor optimize space, practice, time, and proximity when used correctly. 


What are the 3 books discussed in class that swim instructors use when planning a lesson and teaching? What is the purpose of each book?

1. Swim for Life award guide - Informs the instructor on the content they need to teach and included the criteria by which candidates are evaluated to. 

2. Teaching Swim for Life - Provides the instructor with resources to help plan their lesson. 

3. Instructor manual - This is the instructor's technical reference for teaching Lifesaving Society programs. 


What do instructors reference when evaluating a candidate's performance? Where can this be found?

- Must-sees are what instructors use when evaluating candidates. 

- Must-sees can be found in the Swim for Life award guide. 


Which of the following age groups has a wide range of abilities, needs to explore water at their own pace, and gets cold easily?

6 months to 1 year


Which of the teaching methods involves the following:

- Brainstorming

- Group work

- Open-ended discovery 

- Close-ended discovery



How many types of formations are mentioned in the instructor manual?



What are the 5 water smart education messages mentioned in the Swim for Life award guide?

1,.Swim with a buddy 

2. Within arms reach 

3. Wear a lifejacket 

4. Check the ice

5. Swim to survive 


What are the two types of lesson plans discussed in class? What are the differences between the two?

1. Core plans - These are also known as long-range lesson plans and help the instructor determine which skills will be taught during each class. 

2. Daily plans - These are plans that include the skills that will be taught, how they will be taught, what progressions/drills/activities will be used, the formation that will be used, the equipment needed, and the estimated time required to complete each activity. 


Which age group has the following learner profile:

- Short attention spans 

- May have little coordination or endurance 

- Enjoy games, role-play, and having fun

- Eager to learn and acquire new skills

5 to 8 years 


Which teaching methods involve the following:

- Lecture presentations

- Storytelling

- Question and answer periods

- Demonstrations

Teacher-centred approach


What should swim and assistant instructors always have with them when teaching?

An aid


How many modules are in the Swim for Life program and what are they?

1. Parent and Tot: 1, 2, 3

2. Preschool: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

3. Swimmer: 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6

4. Adult: 1, 2, 3

5. Fitness swimmer 


What is the format discussed in class that is used to deliver effective feedback? What are the components of this format?

S - Specific 

M- Measurable 

A - Achievable/Attainable

R - Relevant 

T - Timely


Which age group can be defined by the following learner profile characteristics:

- Highly motivated 

- Independent learners

- Good attention spans



Provide the definition for teacher-centred approaches.

In a teacher-centred environment, decisions about the learning agenda are made primarily by the teacher (e.g., what participants will learn, how they will learn it, when they will learn it, etc.). 


List the 4 types of aids instructors can use while teaching lessons that were mentioned in class. 

1. Futter board/Kick board

2. Lifejacket 

3. Noodle

4. Floatation mat


What are the age groups for each of the modules in the Swim for Life program?

- Parent and Tot 1 (4 to 12 months)

- Parent and Tot 2 (12-24 months)

- Parent and Tot 3 (2-3 years)

- Preschool 1-5 (3-5 years)

- Swimmer 1-6 (5-12 years)

- Adult 1-3 (16+ according to the program guide)

- Fitness swimmer (any age)


What are the 2 types of evaluations mentioned in class and how are they different from one another?

1. Summative evaluations - The instructor delivers the final result of either a pass or fail for each candidate. 

2. Continous evaluations - The instructor continually assesses candidate performance on each item throughout the course.


What are the 5 qualities and conditions by which learning is influenced?

1. Age characteristics 

2. Readiness to learn

3. Rates of learning

4. Learner diversity 

5. Social and cultural diversity


Why is teaching with games important?

Games are an effective motivational tool that can attract and hold interest in a way that is often difficult to equal using other methods. Games should be fun - if it isn't fun, it isn't a game. 


Which formation has the following possible uses:

- Entries and exits

- Surface support 

- Demonstrations 

- Water-smart education 

- Rest position to explain the next activity 



What are the 7 content streams found in the Swim for Life Program?

1. Entries and exits

2. Surface Support 

3. Underwater skills

4. Swim to Survive skills 

5. Movement/swimming skills

6. Fitness 

7. Water smart education


What are the 6 characteristics associated with positive and negative non-verbal communication discussed in class and in the Instructor Manual?

Positive Communication:

- Good eye contact 

- Relaxed posture 

- Nodding head 

- Smile or neutral facial expression

- Uncrossed arms 

- Phones are put away

Negative Communication:

- Eye rolling 

- Slouching 

- Head shaking 

- Frowning 

- Crossed arms 

- Checking phones 
