
What does it mean to be an "Inquirer" in the IB Learner Profile?

An Inquirer nurtures curiosity, develops skills for inquiry and research, and shows independence in learning.


What is a "Knowledgeable" learner according to the IB Learner Profile?

A learner who explores concepts, ideas, and issues that have local and global significance and has in-depth knowledge and understanding across a broad range of disciplines.


Define "Thinkers" in the context of the IB Learner Profile

Thinkers use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems


What is the key characteristic of a "Communicator" in the IB Learner Profile?

A Communicator expresses ideas confidently and creatively in more than one language and collaborates effectively with others


What does it mean to be "Principled" in the IB Learner Profile?

Principled learners act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice, and respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere.


Name a research skill that Inquirers are encouraged to develop.

Formulating questions, gathering and evaluating information, or conducting experiments.


Which IB subject encourages you to become more knowledgeable about human behavior?

Psychology or Theory of Knowledge (TOK).


What type of thinking skill involves evaluating evidence and drawing conclusions?

Critical thinking


Name a language skill that Communicators are encouraged to develop

 Listening actively, writing clearly, or speaking confidently


What is academic honesty, and why is it important?

Academic honesty is giving credit for others' ideas, and it is important because it builds trust and credibility.


Describe a classroom activity that would help develop the attribute of being an Inquirer.

Conducting a science experiment, doing a research project on a self-chosen topic, or participating in a Socratic seminar.


What does it mean to be knowledgeable in a global context?

Understanding and being aware of cultural, social, and historical perspectives from around the world.


Give an example of a classroom activity that helps develop "Thinker" skills

Debating a controversial topic, solving complex math problems, or analyzing a piece of literature for deeper meaning


Why is it important to be a good communicator in group projects?

It ensures that ideas are shared, tasks are understood, and the group works efficiently towards a common goal


Describe a situation where being principled could be challenging.

Choosing to report a friend who is cheating, standing up against peer pressure, or telling the truth even when it's difficult.


Give an example of how being an Inquirer can benefit you in real life.

Helps in problem-solving, encourages lifelong learning, and improves decision-making skills.


Provide an example of how you can demonstrate being knowledgeable outside of school.

Engaging in community service, reading widely on global issues, or discussing current events with peers or family.


How do Thinkers approach ethical dilemmas?

They analyze the situation from multiple perspectives, consider the consequences of their actions, and make reasoned, ethical decisions


Provide an example of how being a strong communicator can be beneficial in a leadership role.

It helps in articulating a vision, motivating team members, and resolving conflicts.


How does the IB Learner Profile attribute of being Principled relate to ethical decision-making?

It involves considering the fairness, justice, and impact of decisions on others, and acting accordingly.


How does the IB definition of an Inquirer differ from a traditional view of a student?

The IB definition focuses on curiosity and independence, while the traditional view often emphasizes passive absorption of knowledge.


Explain how being knowledgeable supports the goal of international-mindedness.

It helps in understanding different perspectives, appreciating cultural diversity, and fosters empathy and a global outlook


How does the IB encourage the development of Thinkers beyond the classroom?

Through the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course, the Extended Essay (EE), and the Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) program.


How can digital communication tools be used responsibly by Communicators?

By ensuring that communication is respectful, accurate, and mindful of the impact on others.


Explain how being principled can influence others in a positive way

It sets a positive example, encourages others to act ethically, and helps build a culture of trust and respect.
