Auditable Policy Docs

If the audit on the history screen reflects MDA or MIA - where can we locate the PAS? 

SEIT- Manual Audits must be typed. 

**Bonus: If the PAS is not in Seit, what tool do we view to verify the status of the PAS? 


If the PAS for a manual audit was typed incorrectly, but the typing request appears to have been submitted accurately, what do we do? 

Reassign the OSC case to USU. 

**Bonus: What assignment group do we reassign the case to? 


If the agency request typed additional insured endorsements, but cannot wait the 24/48 hours for SME processing, what do we do? 

Retain the case, type the forms & fax image typed forms after forwarding to the agency. 


When running a lose run, what policy should we direct the agency to use? 

The most recent term, even if the policy is cancelled flat. Claims History chains forward on auditable policy types. 


What screen reflects the claims on a policy? 

UND Screen 


If the Agency requests typed endorsements for existing Ais, what do we do? 

Enter a coverage summary day 1, advise the agency that the additional insured forms can be pulled from the coverage summary in Customer Document Center day2. 


If there is a keyed entry on a policy, but the agency has requested a quote, what do we do? 

Open an OSC case and reach out to RG for further guidance. 


If the agency calls to quote a change on a Domestic Servants policy, how do we verify the coverage amount? 

Ask how many employees the insured has. 

**Bonus: If the insured has 4 employees on a Domestic Servant policy, how would we enter the Coverage Amount? 


If Control D is slagging, and our browser seems slow, what should we do? 

Clear the Cache - this may help when trying to search in Control D & should be cleared daily. 


If the agency is contacting BLRC for the status of a WC claim, what do we do? 

Refer the agency to Sedgwick - 3rd party vendor who handles WC claims. 

**Bonus: If a rep from Sedwick contacts BLRC for information regarding the insured or other policy information, what do we do? 


If the audit reflects AUD on the history screen, where can we locate the PAS? 

Control D

**Bonus: If the audit was system processed 09/03/2024, what date range would we use to search Control D? 


What happens when a MSWC policy has 5 or more risks? 

Stat screen no longer updates, production would need to run a report to confirm the coverages on the policy. 

**Bonus: After including the contact details and questions in the OSC case, what assignment group do you reassign the case to? 


If the agency is contacting BLRC for the status of a Commercial Filing, what do we do? 

Transfer to Underwriting


If the Current term is cancelled due to the prior term audit premium not being paid, but the audit premium has recently been paid, what do we do? 

Have Underwriting review for possible reverse Adverse Action on the Current Term. 


If an application was processed initially as a decline, and underwriting reversed the decline. What should we see on the History screen after the policy reinstatement? 

Corrected New Business Dec. 

Day 1 policy should be reinstated, Day 2 any underwriting approved changes should be processed & a Corrected New Business Dec should be requested. 


What is the policy booklet for a contractors policy? 

CMP 4100


If there has been an audit dispute and the audited policy has been updated, but the current term has not. What do we do? 

Reach out in PAL, we may need to LIEP the case to RG to LIEP to production for further review & follow up. 


If the agency needs an EX Mod letter, what do we do? 

For Experience Mod letters from NCCI requests, transfer to Underwriting. 


What is the Policy Booklet number for a WC policy? 

FP 8100.3


If the agency indicates that the results of the audit are incorrect and there are no sub contactors on the insureds payroll, what do we do? 

Advise the agency to submit an audit Dispute with documentation for Underwriting review. 


An app decline was reversed, and the agency calls for dec page. Looks like Control D is empty- what do we do? 

Day 1 Production should reinstate the policy, day 2 production should have processed any Underwriting approved changes & requested a Corrected New Business dec. If the day 2 entry is missing on the History Screen please reach out in Pal :) 


If the agency contacts BLRC to review a change processed incorrectly, but it appears the imaged pt was submitted incorrectly by the agency. what do we do? 

If the information was submitted incorrectly by the Agent's office, advise the agency to submit a Necho PT for underwriting review. 


What tool can the agency be directed to for state or federal filings? 

Direct the agency to complete the request form found in the P&C Underwriting Request link (PCUR) 


If the agency calls for a copy of a document for tax purposes for the insured, what do we do/advise. 

Forward the appropriate W-9 form to the agency. 

CMP/CLUP Resource page-> Worker's Compensation (left hand side links)->Resources->W-9 link.

F=Fire and Casualty (F 90-XX-XXXX-X)




If the agency requests an application be rushed due to claim, what do we advise? 

Advise the agency that the RUSH request must be submitted by Claims, direct the agency to contact Claims. 
