Mental Health
Group Topics

What are stimulants? (Give an example!)

- Drugs that accelerate the central nervous system.

- These short-acting drugs cause the brain to produce dopamine, which leads to a powerful surge of energy and confidence, as well as a reduced need for sleep or food. 

- Examples: cocaine, methamphetamine, and prescription stimulants (Adderall and Vyvanse)


What is a relapse? 

A relapse is when a person returns to using drugs or alcohol after a period of sobriety.


What is the difference between sadness and depression? 

Sadness usually passes quickly and doesn't significantly impact life.

Depression is a sad mood that lasts for 2 weeks or more and interferes with daily life.


Name 3 green flags in a relationship. 

- Open communication

- Honesty 

- Respect

- Supportive

- Respects boundaries 

- Active listening 


Name 2 group rules. 

- Don't be late!

- NO cell phone use during group.

- No weapons.

- DO NOT come to group under the influence of any substances.

- No disrespect will be tolerated.

- No sleeping.

- Participate!

- No revealing clothing.

- NO smoking/vaping in the facility.


What are depressants? (Give an example!) 

- These are drugs that slow or depress the functions of the central nervous system and brain. 

- Depressants attach to the brain’s neurotransmitters and increase levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). When GABA levels increase, nerve cell signals are suppressed, leading to a sense of deep relaxation. 

- Examples: alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and hypnotics


Do you think your counselor knows when you have relapsed, even if you are not honest about it? 

Yes, they do. 

Many counselors are recovering addicts; even if they aren't, they have probably dealt with some sort of addiction in their lives. Never doubt their intuitiveness.


What is the most common mental disorder? 

Anxiety disorders.

- Examples: generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder, specific phobias, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and selective mutism.

- In 2019, 301 million people were living with an anxiety disorder.


Name 3 coping skills. 

- Exercise 

- Listen to music 

- Read a book 

- Journal 

- Cook/bake

- Meditate


What days does CATS have evening groups? 

Tuesday's, Wednesday's, and Thursday's. 


What are opioids? (Give an example!) 

- Drugs that are used to suppress physical pain are called analgesics or opioids. 

- Some opioids are naturally derived, such as the poppy plant, while others are lab-created. 

- Opioids work by attaching to the opioid receptors in the brain, which then block pain signals from the nervous system. 

- Examples: heroin, morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone, and hydrocodone


What are 3 risk factors for a relapse? 

- Exposure to triggers

- Stress

- Interpersonal problems

- Peer pressure

- Lack of social support

- Pain 

- Positive moods 


What is the deadliest mental illness? 

Eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating. 


Name 3 types of boundaries. 

- Sexual 

- Physical 

- Emotional 

- Spiritual 

- Financial/Material 

- Time

- Intellectual 


Name all of the counselors. (Hint: There are 3 currently.) 

1. Zoe

2. Ginna 

3. Shazia 


What are hallucinogens? (Give an example!) 

- Drugs that alter consciousness or the perception of reality are called hallucinogens. 

- These substances, sometimes called psychedelics, can be naturally-derived, such as certain plants or mushrooms or lab-created. 

- The psychoactive effects can include detachment from reality, hallucinations, paranoia, violent behaviors, distorted perceptions, euphoria, agitation, and fear. 

- Examples: lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), phencyclidine (PCP), and ketamine


What should you do after a relapse? 

- Reach out for help 

- Attend a self-help group

- Avoid triggers

- Set healthy boundaries 

- Engage in self-care

- Reflect on the relapse

- Develop a relapse prevention plan 


What state is ranked the best for mental health? 



What are 4 mindfulness techniques? 

- Meditation 

- Breathing 

- Grounding 

- Journaling

- Yoga

- Coloring


Who is the clinical supervisor?



Name 3 of the most addictive drugs in the United States. (There are 5.) 

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse: (in no particular order)

- Alcohol

- Heroin

- Cocaine

- Nicotine

- Methamphetamine


What are the stages of a relapse? 

(Hint: There are 3.)

1. Emotional

-  During this stage, you may begin to fail to cope with your emotions in a healthy way. 

2. Mental 

- While a part of you may want to remain sober, another part may be battling cravings and secretly thinking about ways to relapse. 

3. Physical 

-  Involves the final action of actually using drugs or alcohol. 


What is 988? 

The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.


What are the stages of change? 

1. Pre-Contemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Preparation 

4. Action

5. Maintenace 


What does CATS stand for?

Community Addiction Treatment Services!
