
This English poet and playwright from the Elizabethan era is famous for his narrative poems, sonets, comedies, and tragedies such as "Romeo and Juliet."

Who is William Shakespeare?


This continent is known for being the largest in surface and extension.

What is Asia?


Heir to the Portuguese throne, he was regent of Brazil and one of the promoters of independence. He was the first emperor of Brazil.

Who was D. Pedro I?


This kind of cell, such as bacteria, does not have a defined nucleus, but has its genetic material dispersed through the cytoplasm.

What is a prokaryotic cell?


This mode of transportation, often used to carry people and/or cargo, is usually very popular in most of Europe and Asia. An engine pulls a number of cars on a steel track.

What is a train?


This land, contrary to our own, is flat and and geocentric, as told in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The ocean is sweet, covered in flowers, and the water meets the sky. The main characters reach this place through an old, mysterious wardrobe.

What is Narnia?


This European capital is known as the City of Love or the City of Lights and is famous for monuments such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.

What is Paris?


This intellectual movement defended the value of reason in contrast to faith as a way to understand the world and natural phenomena. It promoted scientific progress and believed this would lead to the progress of humanity and the beginning of a society without injustice or tyranny.

What was the Enlightenment?


This is the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria transfrom sunlight into chemical energy, producing glucose and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water.

What is photosynthesis?


This kind of church is usually very large. Its Gothic style features tall columns, spires on the roof, and big, colorful, stained-glass windows.

What is a cathedral?


This Brazillian writer is a third-generation modernist (or post-modernist). One of her most famous books is "A hora da estrela."

Who is Clarice Lispector?


This far-eastern country is known as the "land of the rising sun."

What is Japan?


Its origin is in Ancient Greece, where political decisions began to be made by the direct participation of the citizens in assemblies, which took place in a public square, called agora.

What is democracy?


This organelle is responsible for intracellular digestion, and degrades material ingested by the cell or damaged cellular components.

What is a lisosome?


A place where water and land meet, this is usually a favorite vacation spot and tourist destination where people like swimming and taking nice walks along the shore at sunset.

What is a beach?


This writer from the Brazillian state of Paraíba presents elements that are typical from the Brazillian northeast in his works. He is the author of the famous play "Auto da Compadecida."

Who is Ariano Suassuna?


This great African lake is surrounded by the countries of Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya.

Where is Lake Victoria?


This political and ideological conflict between the USA and the Soviet Union lasted between 1947 and 1991. The conflict between these two countries was responsible for dividing the world in two great blocks, one aligned with capitalism and the other aligned with communism.

What is the Cold War?


This kind of organism, such as plants and bacteria, is capable of producing its own food, generally through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.

What is an autotroph?


This material, made out of trees, is usually used by craftsmen, carpenters and artisans to make toys, furniture, and construction parts.

What is wood?


This classic of children's literature tells the story of a boy and a pilot. The boy leaves asteroid B-612 and finds the pilot in the Sahara desert. The story talks about love, friendship and the wisdom of children.

What is The Little Prince?


This mountain range stretches between Europe and Asia and is considered to divide both continents.

What are the Ural Mountains?


Its first stages began in England during the second half of the 18th century, and it is considered to have begun there because of the first steam engine, which Thomas Newcomen invented in 1698 and James Watt perfected in 1765.

What is the Industrial Revolution?


Water moves through a semipermeable membrane in order to balance the concentration of a solution, from the least concentrated side to the most concentrated side.

What is osmosis?


This dairy product, rich in protein, can have a hard or creamy texture. It can be eaten on its own, but is also often used in dishes such as salads, rices, pasta, and pizza.

What is cheese?
