Native American Civilizations
Europe Pre-Contact & Exploration
European Colonization
British North American Colonies

In this region, Native Americans farmed the three sister crops and hunted and gathered natural resources. The Great Lakes provided easy access for travel and facilitated the development of long-range tribal and clan identities.

What is the Northeast?


This term describes the exchange of people, germs, plants, and animals between Europe, Africa, and the Americas following contact between European and Native Americans in 1492.

What is the Columbian Exchange?


This European power tended to have more peaceful relationships with Native Americans, as evidenced by intermarriage, due to the focus on cooperation and trade rather farming or conversion.

What is France?

These three cash crops were the primary export of southern colonies such as Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia.

What are rice, indigo, and Tobacco?


A religious system that believes that all parts of the physical world have a spiritual essence.

What is Animism?


In this region, Native Americans lived semi-sedentary lives, hunting and gathering from the rich resources of rivers, lakes, and the ocean. The abundance of resources enabled complex social structures and art forms to develop.

What is the Pacific coast?


These two maritime advances enabled sea exploration to expand over further distances in the 1400s.

What are the astrolabe and caravel ships?


This European power focused on conversion and control of indigenous people, as evidence by the mission and encomienda system, which resulted in conflicts such as the one.

What is the Pueblo Revolt?


This colony began as a refuge for English Catholics, but expanded to pass a Toleration Act which protected the religious freedom of Catholics and Protestants.

What is Maryland?


In this system of labor, an individual worked without pay for five years in order to pay back the cost of their passage to America.

What is indentured servitude?


In this region, Native Americans lived nomadic lives, hunting and gathering the many natural resources available in these grasslands, such as Buffalo/Bison.

What is the Great Plains/Great Basin?


The creation of these types of corporations, which minimize risk to individuals, enabled greater investment in exploration starting in the 1400s.

What are joint-stock corporations?


This European power developed systems of slavery alongside systems of self-government.

What is Britain?


This colony sought to establish a "city upon a hill," or a Theocracy based on Puritan teachers.

What is the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

This system of forced labor involved indigenous Americans paying "tribute" in the form of labor to Spanish landowners.

What is the Encomienda system?


In this region, Native Americans typically lived sedentary lives, farming maize. Due to the many rivers located in this area, it served as a trade hub for North America.

What is the Southwest?


Conflict between Puritans and the indigenous people of the Northeast woodlands eventually erupted in this war in the 1670s.

What is Metacom's/King Philip's War?


In this region of North America, single men tended to migrate in search of economic opportunity. For example, the promise of gold lured many to Jamestown.

What is the Chesapeake/Southern colonies?


This document established a form of self-government for the people of Plymouth Colony.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This British policy saw the relaxed enforcement of trade laws and other regulations regarding its colonies.

What is Salutary Neglect?


In this region, Native Americans lived sedentary lives, farming maize with advanced irrigation systems.

What is the Southwest?


These three G's were the primary motivations for European exploration and conquest of the New World.

What are God - the desire to convert native peoples to rival faiths, Glory - the desire to claim land for rival nation states, and Gold - the desire to enrich oneself via the natural resources of the New World

This trade route formed between England, Africa, and the East Coast of North America in the 1600s. 

What is Triangular Trade/Transatlantic Trade/Southern Atlantic System?


This was the largest slave uprising in the history of colonial America. It reflected the willingness of enslaved people to resist and the harsh measures which were taken by white colonists to deter future resistance.

What is the Stono Rebellion?


In this economic system, the Mother Country sells finished goods to its colony at a high price while purchasing raw materials from its colony at a low price. Trade is strictly controlled by the Mother Country for its own benefit.

What is Mercantilism?
