What voice level should you be using when Miss K. is teaching/reading a story?
Level zero.
Where should all garbage go?
One of the two trash cans (tan).
How should students sit in their chairs? Demonstrate.
Chair legs on the floor. Bottom flat. Facing the teacher when needed.
Library books should be kept away from __________, _________, _________. (Fill in the blanks)
Pets, little siblings, food/drink.
Point to the door that was should line up at for a fire drill!
(The door by Mrs. Mather's desk).
What is one example of being respectful of your peers?
Answers could include: sharing materials, letting someone have a book that they want and waiting to get it next time, helping a friend find a book, etc.
What is it called when you want to keep a book for another week without it being considered late?
What are the three ways that students can sit on the rug during class? Describe/name/demonstrate.
Mermaid, criss-cross/cereal bowl, mountain.
When reading a chapter book, students should use a __________ instead of folding the corners down.
What is the number one rule during an emergency?
When is the WORST time to ask Miss K. to use the bathroom?
During a story!
What should you do if you don't want a book that you took off of the shelves?
If you know where it goes, put it back.
If you don't know where it goes, give it Miss K.
How many students can use the restroom at a time during library class?
1. Boy or girl does not matter. 1 and only 1 except in emergencies.
What should you do if you lose a library book?
Check at home (EVERYWHERE), ask a grown-up, check the classroom, and when in doubt tell Miss K!
Point to where you should sit during a lock down drill?
(Point to the Picture Book room)