Meet Your Social Worker
The Social Workers Role
Visiting the Social Worker
True or False

What is my name?

Mrs. Barger.


How can you see your school social worker?

You can ask a teacher when you need to come and visit me. You can also talk to your parents if you think you need to see me more often. 


What is confidentiality?

It means that the social worker will not tell others what we talk about, unless:

You are being hurt.

You might hurt someone else.

You might hurt yourself.

You give me permission to tell someone else.


All of my feelings are ok.

True! We have all kinds of feelings and emotions. We can learn to name them and work through them.


Describe where the school social worker is located.

Just past the nurse on the way to the art room.


What grades does your school social worker help?

Kindergarten through 5th grade.


What will I do in the social workers office?

It depends on what you need. I will talk with students, play games, or help to teach other useful skills and tools.


If I need to talk I can just leave my class.

False! Please be sure to ask your teacher. We will work to find a time to meet. If it is an emergency, please let your teacher know. 


What is your social workers cats name?

Nemo, because he's orange and striped like the fish in the movie Finding Nemo!


Name one thing you may see your school social worker for?

Lots of answers possible: feelings, stress, sadness, anger, friendship, making good choices, how to do well in school, how to help students with anxiety.


Does the social worker only meet with students individually?

No, I will meet with students in groups and also sometimes classroom lessons.


My social worker tells others what I say in her office.

FALSE! Confidential! Unless we decide on the need to involve others or one of the exceptions.


Do I have children? How many?

Yes! Two boys.


Do I go to the social workers office if I get in trouble?

No! You are not in trouble if you come to my office.


Can I only see the social worker once?

No, you can see me more than once. We will talk through your needs and if you need more than I can offer, I can help you find outside assistance.


I can talk to my social worker about things that happen at school AND at home.



Would I chose to live near the mountains of the beach?

Definitely the beach! I love the ocean!


Can the social worker fix all of your problems?

No, but I can help you work through your problems. 


When is your social worker available?

I will always try to be available but sometimes I might be teaching a lesson, in a meeting or working with other students. I have a sign hanging on my door with a clip that tells you where I am.


You can only see your social worker if it's a BIG problem.

False! We can work through big and small things. And what may seem small may be big to others and vice versa. I also like to celebrate with you when you have positive things happen!
