Brightness of sun, distance of earth from sun an blockage of sunlight on its way to us (Richard Alley)
What can control earth's temperature?
US and China (DW Planet).
What are the two countries which have mostly emitted Co2 during the past few decades?
Human social cost and economic cost (John Rockström)
What are the main categories of effects of climate change?
Increase of population in need of humanitarian assistance (IIED).
What is the main result of climate related disasters by 2030 and 2050?
It is a vital component earth working as a central heating system in the global ocean circulation. (Professor Rahmstorf)
What is amok?
They lack resources to develop climate friendly energy systems.
What is the problem with developing countries in respect of achieving climate targets?
Political leadership and global corporation. (UNEP)
What is paramount in achieving climate targets in the world?
Humanitarian action, disaster response recovery and rehabilitation or resettlement.
How to address climate disasters in developing countries?
Build zero carbon energy supply, Increase energy efficiency and reduce energy use (Climate Uncensored 2022)
what are the ways to mitigate Co2 emissions and keep the global warming below 2 degrees?
Debt reconciliation (DW).
What can be recognized as a very good solution to help vulnerable countries to overcome their financial problems during extreme weather?