historically inaccurate movies
renaissance festival
it's cold (war) in here
Shakespeare before & after
that's old news

This Disney film famously misrepresents a Native American woman's life

what is Pocahontas?


This long war between England and France resulted in England's loss of nearly all its French territories.

What is the Hundred Years War?


In 1946 Winston Churchill popularized what term used to describe Soviet relations with Western powers?

what is the iron curtain?


"I come to bury" this play, not to praise it, then send it to Vegas to become a casino

what is Julius Caesar's Palace?


By the early 1200s Genghis Khan & his Mongol horde were attacking northern China, taking this current capital city in 1215

what is Beijing?


This movie is named for the number of spartans led into battle. In reality, there would have been closer to 7,000. 

what is 300?


This 14th-century Florentine is considered the "father" of Humanism in Renaissance Italy.

who is Petrarch?


In a famous 1950s filmstrip shown in classrooms across America, Bert the Turtle offered kids what advice for surviving an atomic blast?

what is "duck and cover?"


Beatrice & Benedick discover a Sinead O'Connor No. 1 hit

what is Much Ado about Nothing Compares 2 U?


Several of the Ancient Wonders of the World, like the Colossus of Rhodes, were destroyed by this type of natural calamity

what is an earthquake?


Bravehart was set in what century

what is the 13th century?


This sculptor created in the 15th century the first bronze statue since antiquity.

who is Donatello?


What was the name of the most produced tank series in the world by the end of the Cold War?

what is T-54/55?


A 1994 royal Disney film with serious uncle/nephew issues becomes a royal tragedy with serious daddy/ daughter issues

what is the lion king lear?


From about 400 to 800 A.D., 16 kings ruled from this empire's city of Copán in Central America

what is the mayan?

Critics say this Mel Gibson film, set in the Mayan Empire, provides an offensive depiction of Mayan culture as incredibly barbaric when in reality Mayan culture was sophisticated

What is Apocalypto?


This northern humanist wrote a powerful critique of Catholic Church abuses in In Praise of Folly.

who is Erasmus?


 In 1959, Project Horizon was developed by the US Army Ballistic Missile Agency to create a military base where none had existed before. Where did they plan on putting it?

where is the moon?


A Puck-ish play goes top 10 in 1976 singing, "I believe you can get me through the night"

what is A Midsummer Night's Dream Weaver?


In 218 B.C. Hannibal crossed the Alps with tens of thousands of infantry & cavalry during the second of these wars

what are the Punic Wars?


These weapons, used in forest battle scene in the film Gladiator, certainly wouldn't have been used in this type of conflict. 

What are catapults?


What event of 1453 is thought to have contributed substantially to the renaissance of learning and art in Western Europe?

what is The fall of Constantinople to the Turks?


At the _____ Conference in February of 1945, Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill made plans to divide Germany into 3 zones (later 4). Which conference was this?

what is Yalta?


A triply alliterative comedy turns into what Gertrude Stein ended up dubbing a group of writers

what is Love's Labour's Lost Generation?


Shown with a ram's head, this deity combined the names of a creator god & the sun god

who is Amun-Ra?
