Books Books Books
Check Me Out
Tech Time
That's Mine!

What do I do if I see a book laying on the floor?

Pick it up and put it where it belongs.

Give it to Ms. Constantine it don't know where it goes.


What happens if there's a long line to check out books?

You can keep looking around until the line goes down.

You can get in line quietly and be patient.

You can look at your book while you're in line.


What if I can't turn my device on?

Try the power button again, holding it down for a few seconds.

Ask a friend to help.

Ask the teacher to help.


What happens if I try to get a book at the same time as someone else?

You can do Rock, paper, scissors to decide.

One person can just allow the other to take the book.

You can decide that no one will take the book that day.


What if I rip a page in a book by accident?

Find some tape and fix it.  

If a page rips out, please tell Ms. Constantine.  Don't worry...accidents happen.


What do I do after I check out a book?

If Ms. Constantine didn't give instructions to do something special, then you can read quietly in a cozy spot.


What if I can't hear anything on my device?

Be sure the volume is up.

Be sure headphones are clicked in all the way.


What happens if I get to the line at the same time as someone else?

You can play rock paper scissors to see who goes first.

One person can allow the other person to go in front of them.


What if I forgot my book at home and it's library day?

You can look at a book during book check out, but you can't take it home.


How many books can I check out at one time?

I can check out 1 book in Kindergarten and first grade.

I can check out two books grades 2-5.


What happens if my device doesn't have any battery?

Be sure to plug the device in each time you put it back.

You can sit next to a friend and follow along with them for the lesson.


What if I get to the chair I want to sit in at the same time as someone else.

You can play Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who gets the chair.

Someone can allow their friend to take the chair and you find another seat.

You can decide that neither of you sit there that day.


What if I knock a bin of books over?

I can pick them up and put them back in the bin neatly.


How many days can I keep a library book?

K and 1:  6 school days

Grade 2-5:  12 School days


What happens if there's a line to put away devices?

Wait patiently in line to plug in your device. Do NOT try to crawl over or under people.


What happens if someone is in your carpet square or part of their body is in your carpet square.

You can nicely remind them with your words to do a body check and sit in their carpet square.


What if I damage or lose my book?

I will pay for it or replace it with a new copy of the book.


What is a shelf marker and why do we use them?

It is the "stick" with your name on it.  It is used to hold the spot on the shelf where a book came from. It is also used to pull your name up on the computer.


What happens if I can't get my Clever badge to work?

Make sure the badge is facing the device camera.  

Keep trying to bring it closer and further from the camara.  

Ask a friend to help.


What happens if I want to talk to Ms. Constantine or need her for something, but she is busy helping someone else?

Wait your turn quietly.  

Raise your hand and wait if we are at tables.

Do NOT poke or call out Ms. Constantine's name if she is helping someone else.
