What to wear while cooking
An apron
How many knifes can you use at once
What to use on a oven
Over mitt
What to store food in
Correct shoes
What is wearing non-slip shoes and close toed shoes?
Cutting with a knife
What is knuckles curled away from you
your hair catching on fire
What is tieing your hair back?
Food temperature
What happens if you leave your food in room temperature for too long?
Dealing with spills
What is cleaning spills up immediately?
What is the food you are cutting?
Loose towels
What is loose towels catching on fire?
Personal Hygiene
What is washing your hands for 30 seconds between different stations and before entering the kitchen?
Walkway safety
What is keeping walkways clear from other objects?
Washing a knife
What is seperating the Knifes from the other dishes?
Flames with the pan
What is flames covering the bottom of the pan?
Kitchen Cleaning
What is wiping down the counters after you finish cooking and cleaning as you go?
Certain equipment
What is inspecting the appliances before plugging it in or cleaning/servicing it?
Extra safety while cutting
What is wearing a protective glove?
Working with the fryer
What is using fryer gloves and utensils with a long handed tool?
What is cross-contamination with pathogens?