Key Pediatric Interventions
Pediatric Emergencies
Hematologic / Neoplastic Disorders

Aspirate, Measure, Replace

What is the steps to checking gastric residual.


A complication the nurse knows to monitor for in the child diagnosed with Kawasaki disease.

What is cardiomyopathy?


The nurse's priority action for the 3-year-old suspected of ingesting a poisonous substance.

What is contacting Poison Control?


Prevention of anemia in the child receiving chemotherapy?

What is encouraging a diet with adequate iron, providing EPO (erythropoietin) injections as ordered.


A 14-year-old is experiencing an asthma exacerbation.  The nurse prepares to administer this medication first.

a. Montelukast

b. Fluticasone

C. Albuterol

D. Prednisone

What is Albuterol?


Nose to ear to mid xiphoid process.

What is the measurement of the length of a NG tube in a pediatric patient

A child is receiving Digoxin for congestive heart failure.  The side effect the nurse knows to monitor for.

Bonus - nursing action prior to the administration of Digoxin.

What is Bradycardia?

What is monitoring the apical pulse?


Used to estimate a child's weight based on the child's length.

What is Broselow tape?


The nurse is caring for a child post stem cell transplant.  The nurse knows these symptoms are signs of graft vs. host disease (GVHD).

What are severe diarrhea and maculopapular rash that leads to redness or desquamation of the skin, particularly on the palms and soles?

A child with Cystic Fibrosis is receiving pancreatic enzymes.  The nurse knows this is best time to administer these medications.

What is with meals?

  • Higher percentage of body water than adults (amount of water relative to the amount of body fat) 

  • More rapid extracellular fluid exchange

  •  Decreased body fat 

  • Liver immaturity, altering first-pass elimination 

  •  Decreased amounts of plasma proteins available for drug binding Immature blood-brain barrier, especially neonates, allowing movement of certain medications into the CSF

What are the factors affecting the distribution of medication in children vs. adults?


A nurse is caring for a 6-month-old infant with a congenital heart defect.  The infant is experiencing heart failure.  Which of the following is a sign of heart failure in the infant?

Increased urinary output.

Decreased respiration rate

Poor weight gain 


What is poor weight gain?


Mneumonic used to troubleshoot deterioration in the intubated child.

What is 

D - Displacement of tube

O - Obstruction of tube

P - Pneumothorax

E - Equipment failure


Children receiving chemotherapy is at a higher risk of infection due to bone marrow suppressing and 

What is a decreased amounts of circulating neutrophils?


A child with a history of asthma is experiencing respiratory distress.  This is a late sign of respiratory failure in this patient.

A. Wheezing

B. Tachypnea

C. Cyanosis

D. Use of accessory muscles

What is cyanosis?


To administer Otic medication, the pinna should pulled down for which pediatric patients.

What is under 3.


The nurse is assessing a child with a congenital heart defect and a history of valve replacement.  The parent reports the child being increasingly short of breath and fatigued over the past week.  The nurse knows this child is at an increased risk for this?

What is bacterial endocarditis? 


The nurse is assessing a child brought to the ED emergently.  The nurse recognizes this as a sign of decreased perfusion.

a. cool skin with very cool extremities.

b. capillary refill < 3 seconds.

c. hyperthermia

d. strong peripheral pulses

What is cool skin with cool extremities?


Untreated neutropenia can lead to this.

What is sepsis?


The nurse caring for a 10-year-old girl with allergic rhinitis knows these interventions will help prevent secondary bacterial infection.

A. Using normal saline washes

B. Teaching parents how to avoid allergens

C. Advising anti-inflammatory nasal sprays.

D. Educating parents about oral antihistamines

What is using normal saline washes?


When choosing a site for IV insertion always choose the most __________ site first to preserve the _________ sites if needed.

What are distal / superior?


The nurse is assessing the skin of a 12-year-old with suspected right ventricular heart failure.  The nurse expects to note edema here.

Where are the lower extremities?


The nurse's priority action for a child brought to the emergency room with a heart rate of 42.

What is beginning chest compressions?


The nurse is assessing a 14-year-old girl with a tumor. This finding indicates Ewing sarcoma.

a. child reports dull bone pain just below the knee

b. Palpation reveals redness and swelling on the right ribs

c. Child reports persistent pain from a minor ankle injury

d. Palpation discloses asymptomatic mass on the upper back.

What is palpation reveals redness and swelling on the right ribs


An enlargement of the terminal phalanx of the fingers caused by chronic hypoxemia.

What is clubbing?
