Who was?

He led the Continental Army in the North before becoming our first president.

Hint: passage

Who is George Washington?


This event took place before the Revolutionary War and involved 3 groups of people fighting over land (specifically the Ohio River Valley & the Mississippi River).

Hint: Found in multiple notes (passage, Road to Revolution, Colony notes) 

What is the French & Indian War?


In 1765, to help pay the debt from the French & Indian War, the British parliament voted to tax the colonists on anything printed on paper. 

Hint: Road to Revolution notes

What is the Stamp Act?


He warned colonists, particularly those preparing to fight, that the "British were coming." He did this so Adams and Hancock had time to flee the area before the first battle of the revolution.

Hint: passage

Who is Paul Revere? 


In March 1770, a crowd of Boston colonists began throwing rocks and snowballs at several British soldiers. The soldiers opened fire, and 3-5 colonists were killed.

Hint: Road to Revolution notes

What is the Boston Massacre?


After the British Parliament took away the Stamp Act, they began to tax other items in the 13 colonies in 1767. Colonists had to pay taxes on things like glass, paper, lead, paint, and tea. 

Hint: Road to Revolution Notes

What were the Townshend Acts?

He had control over the British Parliament (government) and the taxes imposed on the colonists that eventually led to the revolution. 

Hint: Road to Revolution notes

Who is King George III?


In 1774, after the Intolerable Acts had angered the colonists, they sent representatives to Philadelphia to discuss the Americans' rights. They decided to boycott all British goods and start a militia. 

Hint: Road to Revolution notes

What is the 1st Continental Congress?


After the Boston Tea Party, King George III sent more troops to Boston and closed Boston Harbor to any trade-in 1774. All rights of self-governing were taken away from the colonists.

Hint: Road to Revolution Notes

What were the Intolerable Acts? 


They were the American militia (who were ready to fight within a minute's notice).

Hint: Passage 

Who were the minutemen? 


The battle that ended the American Revolution in 1781.

Hint: Passage

What is the Battle of Yorktown? 


Angry at the British parliament for controlling and taxing all of the tea being shipped into Boston, colonists dressed as Native Americans and dumped shiploads of tea into the harbor on Dec 16, 1773.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


Two rebel leaders (colonists) that the British were trying to capture.

Hint: Passage

Who were Samuel Adams and John Hancock?


The battle that started the American Revolution (two cities). 

Hint: Passage

What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord? 


The document that was signed that officially ended the Revolutionary War.

Hint: Passage

What is the Treaty of Paris?
