Academic Requirements I
Academic Requirements II
Academic Policies I
Academic Policies II

What is CUNY Pathways?

A system of general education requirements and new transfer guidelines across CUNY. The centerpiece of this initiative is a 30-credit general education Common Core. Importantly, once fulfilled at one CUNY college, these general education credits will carry over seamlessly if a student transfers to another CUNY college.


What is a Hybrid class?

A course that is a combination of an online course and a traditional face-to-face course. Students, instead of meeting in a classroom for every class will instead perform a portion of the course learning activities online. The other portion of the class meets on specified dates with the instructor.


What is an R grade policy?

This grade is awarded only in Basic Skills courses. In general, the student has satisfactorily completed all assignments and has demonstrated satisfactory progress toward the goal of the course but has not reached the level required to pass the course.


What is probation?

Students who do not meet the minimum grade point average (GPA) are placed on an academic trial period for the following semester. They are given one semester to achieve the minimum grade point average required as per the College’s retention policy.


What are the maximum equated credits per semester allowed?

Students may not register for more than 18 eq. cr. per 12-week session, or two courses (not to exceed 9 eq. cr.) per 6-week session. Exceptions may be granted through special permission.


What are the core competencies?

As part of a student’s general education requirements, all students are required to work on developing a knowledge in three areas, such as Integrative Learning.


What is the residency requirement?

In order to graduate, students must successfully complete 50% of their degree, or 30 credits for an associate degree, at the College before being awarded a degree.


What are the minimum graduation requirements?

A 2.00 GPA (C average), passing the required basic skills tests and major requirements.


What is the First Year Seminar?

A Seminar that is a discipline-specific course designed to support freshmen and transfer students in their transition to LaGuardia.


What are independent and individualized courses?

Courses that allow a student to pursue an area of study not covered in the college’s course offerings and courses that allow a student to pursue a course offered by the college on an individualized basis.


What is the Incomplete (INC) Grade Policy?

This grade is intended for situations which arise that are beyond the student’s control. It is reserved for a student in good academic standing (maintaining a passing GPA) and for whom there is reasonable expectation of satisfactory course completion.


What is appealing to receive grades of W (Official Withdrawal)?

When a student who can document that extenuating life circumstances adversely affected his or her grades during a specific term consults with an advisor about filing an appeal directly with the Academic Standing Committee asking that these grades be changed to W.


What is an ePermit?

If a LaGuardia Community College course is either not being offered for the session or closed, students may take courses on permit at other colleges throughout CUNY.


What is the Urban Study Requirement?

LaGuardia Community College is proud of this unique graduation requirement. It reflects the College’s commitment to the communities it serves and to its students as future leaders of those communities.


What is the attendance policy?

Class attendance and participation play a crucial role in the learning process and directly impact students’ overall academic achievement. Therefore, students are expected to attend and participate in all class sessions regardless of modality. Departments or degree programs shall establish specific attendance requirements and those will appear on the course syllabus. Students must review individual course requirements in order to understand the effect their absences may have on the grade in a course.


What is plagiarism?

The act of presenting another person’s ideas, research or writings as your own. Examples: Copying another 209 person’s actual words without the use of quotation marks and/or footnotes, failure to acknowledge a source when using information that is not common knowledge or failure to acknowledge collaborators on homework or laboratory assignments.


What is a Capstone course?

A required course within the major that offers students nearing graduation the opportunity to summarize, evaluate, and integrate some or all of their college experience. It is a class where a student demonstrates all that has been learned in previous coursework.


What are writing intensive courses?

In these courses, writing is used to help students gain a deeper understanding of the material they are studying. The variety of formal and informal writing activities with which students engage serves as a means for students to become better writers as a result of instructional support and guidance.


What is appealing individual course grades?

In order for this to occur, the student must first discuss the grade with the instructor. If, after discussion with the instructor, the student wishes to go further, or if the student is unable to meet with the instructor, the student may then arrange to meet with the department chairperson. If, after meeting with the chairperson, the student is still unsatisfied by the grade, the student must consult with Student Advising Services (B102) about taking the case in writing to Academic Appeals.


What is academic dishonesty?

It is prohibited in the City University of New York and is punishable by penalties ranging from a grade of “F” on a given test, research paper or assignment, to an “F” in the course, or suspension or expulsion from the College.
