What is our home phone number backwards?
What is 1098-889-406
In which country/place did we see two animals standing side by side that you would likely never see anywhere else?
Where is the Falklands.
Where were we going in this photo?
Where is Disneyland.
How many full sized walk through doors does this house have?
Sliding doors count as 1, and closets count as well (both doors)
What is 38 (I think)
In which city did Matthew and Emily enter the wrong van and sit down before realizing it was not their family inside?
Where is Charlottetown, PEI.
Name 5 contacts we still have in our home phone phonebook
*check phone*
What was the first country besides the USA that this family traveled to together?
Where is England
Where was this photo taken? And who was not at this meal because they left to the room with an upset tummy?
Where is New York, and who is D
How many steps are there going down from our deck?
What is 15.
How many. times as a family have wee been outside of North America?
What is 3.
Where in the world did Emily get her foot caught between a low freezer and a box causing her to fall and hurt her thumb for a solid week or two?
Where is Rome
In which country did we have our tour guide take a selfie on Mumi's phone instead of a family photo at first?
Where is France.
In what city did Matthew take this image titled: "grumpy women, happy me"
Where is Barcelona
How many lamps do we have in the house (not including the store room - within 2 on either side)
What is 21
What is everyone's birth year, including Grandma's?
What is: 2002, 1999, 1997, 1964, 1957, 1937
Correctly describe each family member's Netflix profile image
Emily: a bald scary demon looking thing
Jacob: blue robot face
Matthew: White dog/ with a mask?
Mumi: Purple haired super hero
D: blue lightsaber
Which country were we asked if we were related/and or knew Anderson Cooper?
Where is Paris, France.
What is Matthew doing with his hand in this picture?
What is spinning a fidget spinner.
What is the name of the instrument Uncle Chris brought us back from his travels that lives on top of our fire place mantle?
(emily does not know so hopefully we can find out if you got it correct)
How many times has this family (us 5) broken a bone?
*within 3 on either side*
What is maybe 10... you guys were not clear on this answer lol
What is the shoe size of every person in our family?
i do not know, lets just confirm together
Name every country we traveled to from start to finish as a whole family (first country we went too together to the most recent)
Let's confirm in person as well lol
In this video... within 2... how many marshmellows did Emily catch in her mouth successfully from Jacob throwing across the kitchen?
What is 11
Give Emily a question and if she answers it incorrectly you earn 500 points. (you need to make it reasonable)
Correctly identify each family member's Disney + profile picture
D : Mickey Mumi: Minnie Emily: Edna Mode Jacob: Storm Trooper Matthew: Pumba