Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4

This word refers to the place where an animal normally lives. 



This word can mean "to buy" or refer to the thing that you buy. 



If you change something to make it suitable for another purpose, you ___________ it. 



If the teacher gives you "credit" for being a good class, what is he giving you?

praise and approval (and a special place in my heart)


Stand on one leg and give the definition for the verb "disrupt". 

disrupt (v.): to change the traditional way that something works


What makes a "portrait" different from a regular photo or a painting?

A portrait is a more formal photo or painting of a person or people.


If you end a problem completely, you ___________ it. 



Complete the sentence with the best adverb:

Smartphones should make our lives easier, but _________, the often do the opposite. 



This word can mean both "requiring a lot of time, effort, and skill to achieve" and "having a strong desire to succeed".



Correctly rewrite this sentence on a whiteboard using a reduced non-essential adjective clause. Each member of the group has to write one word at a time.

The Grab company, which was founded in 2012, is the most popular ride-hailing service in Southeast Asia.

Founded in 2012, the Grab company is the most popular ride-hailing service in Southeast Asia. 


Complete the following sentence using correct verb forms:

He _____ (take) the IELTS three times before he finally _____ (get) the score that he wanted last year. 

He had taken the IELTS three times before he finally got the score that he wanted last year. 


Correctly shift this active sentence to the passive voice. Do not include the agent. 

Academic managers will not release the midterm exam results until Monday. 

The midterm exam results will not be released until Monday.


What is the best option to complete this sentence?

When he was young, he ____ ride his bike to school.

a. used to

b. used to / would

c. would

b. used to / would


How would this sentence read with a reduced adjective clause? 

Sandhya Sriram, who is a cell biologist, started a company to create lab-grown shrimp. 

Sandhya Sriram, a cell biologist, started a company to create lab-grown shrimp. 


Each member of the group needs to tell 4 different people outside of your group 4 different things that "appeal to" you. 

Answers will vary.


What is the name for "the difference between how the brain responds to images and written text"? 

The Picture Superiority Effect


Name 3 benefits of a circular economy.

Answers could include:

1. reducing waste

2. reusing valuable raw materials

3. higher quality products that are easy to repair

4. creating a more sustainable economy


Name 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of plastic.

Possible answers include:

Advantages: can take many forms, can be used a long time, is cheap

Disadvantages: does not easily decompose, produces pollution


Name 2 success factors that Andres Gutierrez and Sandhya Sriram share as entrepreneurs.

Answers could include: disrupting markets, having a business education, being in a high-tech field, or starting more than one business


Each member of the group needs to stand up, use the adjective "determined" correctly in a different sentence, then run once around their table. 

Answers will vary.


What is the name for the process by which our brains store an image in one place and the label for that image in another place?

dual encoding


Name 2 reasons for using the passive voice.

Answers could include:

1. When the agent is obvious, unknown, or unimportant.

2. To shift the focus of a sentence to the receiver of the action.

3. To provide cohesion in writing.

4. To avoid responsibility.


Name 3 ways that preservation changed the way that early humans lived. 

Possible answers include:

1. People had more food.

2. They were less likely to get sick from bacteria.

3. They had better health/lived longer and the population grew.

4. They were able to stay in one place.


To what or whom does Andres Gutierrez give credit for his success as an entrepreneur?

Answers could include: a team of people with different skills, a network of people to support you and give advice


Each member of the group needs to hedge the following sentence in a different way, then do a dance move. 

Banh mi will remain the world's favorite food. 

Answers might vary, but they are likely to be hilarious. 
