Computer Care
Internet Expert
Delightful Documents
Memes and Other Madness

True or false: I can put stickers on my computer.

FALSE: This year, no stickers can be on your computer.


True or false: You should tell a teacher right away if you see or receive something uncomfortable or inappropriate.

TRUE.  100% true.  This protects you and helps us keep everyone safe!


Name one font that's fun to write in, but that isn't easy to read, so therefore Ms. Meyer would not want your schoolwork in it.

... up to you!


Can you change your profile picture for your Google Account?

Yes, during free computer time - NOT during work time.  And remember, teachers can ask you change it if they are uncomfortable with what you've chosen.


What is the name of Ms. Meyer's cat?

Tipper Marie!


True or false: my name must be labeled on blue tape or a label on my computer.

TRUE: your computer must have your name on it at all times.  YOU are responsible for letting a teacher know if your name label falls off!

True or false: It is okay to listen to YouTube music while you are working.

FALSE.  This may be a new expectation this year.  We do not expect that students are using YouTube unless it's an educational video from Google Classroom.


True or false: You don't need to put your name on any documents because they're in Google Classroom.

FALSE!  You need to put your name at the top or bottom of every single document or project you type.  This way, when we print things, we know whose they are.


Can you make slideshows with memes/other internet stuff that has violence, gore, or inappropriate language, as long as you don't share it with anyone?

No.  Everything on your school computer and account needs to be appropriate.  Check with a teacher if you aren't sure.



200 points for the class!


Action!  Demonstrate how you should safely carry your computer.

You should carry it with two hands, and not while you're carrying anything else!


True or False: You should not use ChatGPT or other AI sites to help with your writing.

TRUE!  When we write, we want to be sure we're authoring our own work.  This goes for students and teachers!  There will be times where we make use of AI, but most of our writing assignments aren't those times.

We also have to be careful, and we will learn together, about the 'predictive text' and other features in Google Docs.


True or false: It's fine to have lots of windows/tabs open during writing as long as you switch back to the writing tab when a teacher comes by.

FALSE!  Remember, teachers can see what tabs you have open on our computers -- so be sure you are being honest and staying focused.


Can the school see everything you do on your computer?

Yes!  And in fact, you signed an agreement acknowledging this.  


Is Ms. Meyer the oldest, the youngest, or the middle child?

Oldest!  I have one sister who teaches math and science in Massachusetts.


True or False: Your computer needs to be put back in the cart every single day of school.

TRUE!  This may be a new expectation for this year.  We are going to be diligent about taking computers out in the morning, and putting them back every single afternoon.


True or False: It is okay to download things from the internet if the computer will let you.

FALSE.  Unless it's a picture or Canva project etc. for an assignment and the teacher has specifically given permission, you should not be downloading anything.



400 points for the class!


True or false: you can sign into your account on your phone or home computer.

True, but remember, everything you do on our WiFi, and in your school account, is visible to your teachers and tech team.


True or false: Ms. Meyer grew up in Randolph.

TRUE!  I have lived here all but 5 of the years of my life.


True or false: You will be responsible for the cost of replacing your computer if it breaks.

TRUE and FALSE!  We do understand that accidents happen, but especially as a 6th grader, you are responsible for treating your computer carefully so it doesn't break.  This means carrying it safely, keeping it neatly and safely in your desk, and using it on flat surfaces.  What else can you think of?


True or false: teachers will revoke (take away) your computer privileges if you are not respecting our internet expectations.

TRUE.  If this becomes a repeat struggle for you, the length of time that you are without your computer will be longer.


True or false: Most documents will be linked from/created in Google Classroom.

TRUE.  This helps you stay organized, and allows teachers to help you with your work.


True or false: You can email friends and teachers.

True, but remember, we can see everything, and it needs to be kind, appropriate, and NOT done during work time.


Name 3 things Ms. Meyer loves to do.

Teaching, kayaking, hiking, reading, etc!
