Name 2 meanings of the word FOOT
- part of your leg
- a measurement of 12 inches
Free Space!
Free Space!
Name a synonym for BIG
- Large
- Giant
- Enormous
What does the phrase "It will be a piece of cake" mean?
It will be easy
What do bees make?
Name to meanings for the word FLY
- small insect
- to soar through the sky
Where do you go to bake during cooking group?
The kitchen
Name a synonym for SILLY
- funny
- foolish
- goofy
What does the phrase "break a leg" mean?
Good luck!
How many legs does a spider have?
Name 2 meanings of the word STICK
- to adhere
-a branch from a tree
Where do you go to play basketball?
The gym OR the playground
Name another word that means ANGRY
- upset
- frustrated
What does the phrase "it's raining cats and dogs" mean?
It's raining very hard/the weather is bad.
What color are the stars on the American flag?
Name 2 meanings of the word LIGHT
- weight (opposite of heavy)
- something used to brighten or illuminate
Where do you go when you are feeling sick?
The Nurse's office
Name a synonym for HAPPY
- Joyful
- Glad
What does the phrase "Ants in your pants" mean?
You can't sit still
How many planets are in our solar system?
Name 2 meanings for the word RING
- a piece of jewelry you wear on your finger
- the sound a phone makes
Where do you go to learn with Ms. Hope OR Ms. Noel & Mr. Ron?
The classroom
Name a synonym for ABSENT
- Out
- Missing
- Unavailable
What does the phrase "hit the books" mean?
To study
Where is the Great Pyramid of Giza?