What is the closest planet to the sun
What is the tallest animal in the world?
A giraffe
The part of the plant that takes in water and minerals from the soil are called
SpongeBob SquarePants lives in what city?
Bikini Bottom
Can you lick your elbow
What Galaxy is Earth located in
Milky Way
What bird can fly backward?
A Hummingbird
What Is the tallest living tree
How much of Earth is covered by Ocean
What is the human body's biggest organ
What are the 4 gas giants
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
What is a group of lions called?
A pride
Are mushrooms a plant
No they are a fungi
Does Kelp have roots
Kelp does not have roots. Instead, it is secured by holdfasts that lock onto substrates made of rock, or cobble.
What is the hardest substance in the human body
Tooth enamel.
What is the name of NASA’s most famous space telescope?
Hubble Space Telescope
How many legs does a lobster have?
Plants produce these 2 things during photosynthesis
Oxygen and glucose
How many oceans are there? Can you name them
Pacific Ocean: The largest ocean in the world
Which is the strongest muscle in the human body: Tongue, Jaw or Tricep
The Jaw
Does the sun orbit the Earth?
No, Earth orbits the sun
How many years can a snail sleep?
Three years
Wolffia globosa, commonly known as duckweed. It’s just a tenth of a millimeter - smaller than a grain of salt.
Which US state has the most shark attacks
How many teeth are in the mouth of an average adult