What is the definition of plagiarism?
Definition: the act of presenting someone elses work or ideas and claiming it as your own
How many key benefits are there when organizing and outlining?
What is the definition of bias?
Definition: in favor or against one thing, person, or group paired with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair
What are some cons for when you are giving information to the audience?
Too much information, may be off topic
how many total steps are in an outline?
What is the definition of succinctly?
Definition: in a brief or clearly expressed manner
What are the three primary sources in the library?
Books, Periodicals, and full text data bases
What are two benefits of learning how to outline?
Select a topic appropriate to the audience and occasion, Formulate a specific purpose statement that identifies precisely what you will do in your speech, Craft a thesis statement that clearly and succinctly summarizes the argument you will make in your speech, Identify and arrange the main points of your speech according to one of many organizational styles discussed in this chapter, Connect the points of your speech to one another, Create a preparation and speaking outline for your speech
What are the three testimonies and what are they used for?
Expert testimony: support, defend or explain the main ideas
Lay testimony: you don't have personal experience with your topic, something that you predict
Prestige: make sure the famous person you are quoting is related to the topic
What are the 4 steps to evaluating information?
Evaluate quality and credibility, thoroughly explains the reasoning, any competing perspectives? , supporting data and citations?
What is the definition of refutation speech?
the speaker must anticipate the audience's opposition, then bring attention to the tensions between the two sides, and finally refute them using evidential support.