
Arrange the numbers: 903,035, 35,093, 930,503, 95,330.

35,093, 95,330, 903,035, 930,503.


Compare: 10 ten-thousands __ 100,000.

(10 ten-thousands is equal to 100,000).


Write the seating capacity of 82,347 in words.

eighty two thousand three hundred forty seven


Explain how you order 930,503 and 93,050 numbers using "ten times."

930,503 is ten times larger than 93,050.


Compare: 3 hundred thousands + 500 __ 350,500.

(300,500 is equal to 350,500).


Write the expanded form of the seating capacity 82,347.

80,000 + 2,000 + 300+ 40 + 7


Draw two number lines to round the seating capacity of 82,347 to the nearest thousand and thousand.

Let's review 


Compare: 5 thousands + 6 hundreds + 15 ones __ 6 thousands + 4 hundreds + 5 ones.

< (5,615 is less than 6,405).


If the stadium has a seating capacity of 82,347, what is the population of a nearby town that is about ten times that amount?

The population of a nearby town that is about ten times that amount is 823,470


A library has a total of 17,892 books. If the library wants to prepare a new shelf that can hold a similar number of books, how many books should they plan for if they round the total to the nearest thousand?

The total number of books is 17,892. When rounding to the nearest thousand, we look at the hundreds place (8). Since 8 is 5 or more, we round up. So, 17,892 rounded to the nearest thousand is 18,000.


Compare: 9 hundred thousands __ 900,000.

(9 hundred thousands is equal to 900,000).


 Which estimate (nearest thousand vs. nearest ten thousand) is more accurate? Explain.

Rounding to the thousands place is more accurate because it is a smaller place value.  This value is more accurate because it will be closer to the actually number.  For example, 92,456, rounding to the nearest thousand is 92,000.  However, rounding to the nearest ten thousand would be 90,000. As you can see the 92,000 is much closer to 92,456 than 90,000 would be.

A city has a population of 45,678 residents. If city planners want to estimate the population for future planning and round it to the nearest ten thousand, what number should they use?

The population is 45,678. When rounding to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the thousands place (5). Since 5 is 5 or more, we round up. So, 45,678 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 50,000.


Compare: 4 thousands + 9 hundreds + 8 tens + 2 ones __ 5 thousands + 2 hundreds + 7 ones.

4,982 < 5,207


If the stadium at University X has a seating capacity of 82,347 and another stadium can hold 15,000 more people, what is the seating capacity of the second stadium? Round your answer to the nearest thousand and show your work.

The seating capacity of the second stadium is 97,347, and rounded to the nearest thousand, it is 97,000.
