Compound Chemistry Conundrums
Steady Speed Scenarios
Factor It to Solve It!
Equations on the Line
Word Problem Wonders

The chemical formula for water is H2O. Ebony and Marcos have 1854 grams of water. This is the weight of the oxygen (O, 16; H, 1).

What is 1648g?


Mr. Belding walked to a dock at 3 miles per hour, jumped into a boat, and motored to Chengdu at 11 miles per hour. If the total distance was 38 miles and the trip took 6 hours in all, this is how far Mr. Belding went by boat.

What is 27 1/2 miles?


They are the solutions to:

8x + 12 = -x2

What are -6 and -2?


This is the slope intercept form of the line that passes through the point (2, 5) and is parallel to the line 3x - 6y = -4.

What is y = x/2 + 4?


The ratio of frogs to toads was 11 to 17. If there were 5656 frogs and toads in all, this is how many were toads.

What is 3434 toads?


The chemical formula for sulfuric acid is H2SO4. Mr. Belding has 392 grams of sulfuric acid. This is the weight of the sulfur (H, 1; S, 32; O, 16).

What is 128g?


Rain was hauling a wide load out of Xi'an. At 5:00am he headed north from exit 47 at an average speed of 35mph. Sadie headed north from the same exit at 9:00am in her Pontiac. By 8:00pm the same day Sadie was 25 miles ahead of Rain. This was Sadie's average speed.

What is 50mph?


They are the solutions to:

49y- 36 = 0

What are 6/7 and -6/7?


This is the equation of the line that is perpendicular to 4x - 2y = -2 and passes through the point (0, 7).

What is y = -x/2 + 7?


The school being featured in a newspaper article caused the number of students enrolled to increase by 160 percent. If 220 students were enrolled before the article, this is how many there were after the article.

What is 572?


The chemical formula for ammonia is NH3. If there are 1683 grams of ammonia, this is how much the nitrogen weighs (H, 1; N, 14).

What is 1386g?


Two travelers were 200 miles apart at 2:00pm and were headed toward each other. If they met at 4:30pm and one was traveling 20 miles per hour faster than the other, these were the speeds of each traveler.

What are 30mph and 50mph?


They are the solutions to:

x3 - 25x = 0

What are -5, 0, and 5?


This is the equation of the line that is parallel to the line 4x + y = 4 and passes through the point (0, 6).

What is y = -4x + 6?


Grace peeked around the bush and spied 375 fairies gathered in the glen. If this was 25 percent more than David spied under the tree, this is how many fairies Grace spied.

What is 300 fairies?


The chemical formula for potassium chlorate is KClO3. If there are 1586 grams of potassium chlorate, this is how much the potassium (K) weighs (K, 39; Cl, 35; O, 16).

What is 507g?


Harry had a 20 kilometer head start on Angel. This is how long it will take Angel to catch Harry if Harry travels at 40 kilometers per hour and Angel travels at 80 kilometers per hour.

What is 1/2 hour?


They are the solutions to:

9y2 - 25 = 0

What are 5/3 and -5/3?


This is the slope-intercept form of the line that passes through the point (-5, -5) and is perpendicular to the line y = -x/2 + 3.

What is y = 2x + 5?


The ratio of these two numbers is 7/8. Twice the first number is equal to 50 less than three times the second number.

What are 35 and 40?


The chemical formula for ammonium chloride is NH4Cl. This is how many grams of chlorine there are in 530 grams of ammonium chloride.

What is 350?


At noon a horse and buggy headed north at 8 miles per hour. Two hours later, the roadster headed south from the same location at 40 miles per hour. This is the time that the horse and buggy will be 88 miles from the roadster.

What is 3:30pm?


They are the solutions to:

x2 + x - 12 = 0

What are -4 and 3?


This is the slope-intercept form of the line that passes through the point (3, 4) and is perpendicular to the line y = -3x/5 - 5.

What is y = 5x/3 - 1


When Thomas dumped out the big jar of pennies and nickles he found 142 coins. If there was $3.30 in the jar, this is how many of each kind of coin there was.

What is 95 pennies and 47 nickles?
