the first step to problem solving
What is the problem
kindness when you are brave
what is courage
Red, green, yellow, and blue represents this meter
What is the Mood meter
a step to problem solving
what is solutions
Number of Random Acts of kindness taught in skills class
what is 6
the S in WSRR
what is safety
a process when their is a conflict
problem solving
kindness that includes others
what is inclusiveness
The W in WSRR
What is willing to learn
the last step to problem solving
what is Go or give it a try
feeling and showing concern for others
being reliable to do what is expected
what is responsibility
number of steps we learned about problem solving
What is four
On my honor and good behavior I will be respectful of all peers, all teachers, all paras, all staff, and my school and I will do my best to learn and live by the WS-RR rules!
What is the WS-RR Pledge