Black Women Suffrage
Voting Turnout
Voting Suppression

Though Black men and women both faced disparities due to their race, this also played a significant role in black women’s lack of suffrage.

Explanation: With the fight for Civil Rights, black women were treated inferiorly compared to all other races


Which election years had the largest voter turnout for black people?

 2008 and 2012 with Barack Obama


This term refers to actions or policies that deliberately make it harder for certain groups to vote, often including practices like purging voter rolls or limiting early voting options.

Voter Suppression


Through the passage of the this amendment in 1920, women were allowed to vote however, women of color were often kept from the polls through a variety of tactics. They faced racial and ethnic discrimination and were often discouraged from voting via violence.

The 19th amendment


What political party do black Americans tend to affiliate with the most?



What is the name of the tax that was implemented as a financial barrier when going to vote?

Poll tax/taxes


Educator and political advisor Mary McLeod Bethune formed which organization in 1935 to help black women pursue civil rights? 

Hint: we have this organization on campus 

The National Council of Negro Women


In previous years, What state had the largest amount of black eligible voters?

Any choice: Washington D.C., Texas, Georgia, Florida,Mississippi


This practice, which often involves requiring voters to present identification or proof of citizenship, has been criticized for disproportionately affecting minority and low-income voters.

What is Voter ID Laws.


 In 1913, who founded the Alpha Suffrage Club of Chicago, the nations first Black Women’s Club focused specifically on suffrage ?

Hint: founder of naacp, journalist, activist 


Answer: Who is Ida B. Wells?


In the 2020 election,  what was the percentage of the voting gap for black Americans compared to white Americans?

Answer: 70.9% white Americans participated 

62.6% black Americans participated 


What is the name of the US legislation that made literacy test illegal ?

The Voting rights act of 1965


Name 3 Black Women Suffragists who dedicated their time to empowering black women and advocating for civil rights. 

Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

Ida B. Wells 

Mary Church Terrell 

Nannie Helen Burroughs 

Daisy Elizabe

th Adams Lampkin

Mary Ann Shadd Cary 


When determining a presidential candidate, what issues do black Americans prioritize the most ? 

One of the following (Racial justice, economy and jobs, affordable housing and healthcare)


The term "gerrymandering" originates from a political cartoon depicting a district that resembled what “animal”

Salamander, snake etc
