The Succession Crisis
The Great Cause
Subjugation of Scotland
King John Balliol
King Edward I

Alexander III's reign of Scotland (1249-1286) was known as?

The Golden Age


Who was the weakest competitor to the throne and why?

John of Hastings. Not an important nobleman in Scotland. Didn't have land in Scotland.


What does subjugation mean?

One group takes control over another and forces them to do as they're told.


What nickname was King John given during his reign?

Puppet King


When did King Edward I invade Scotland?



What happened to King Alexander III?

King Alexander III had been in Edinburgh for a meeting. At the end of the meeting he decided to travel to Kinghorn, Fife to be with his new French wife, Yolanda. He ignored warnings from his companions to not travel due to the stormy. On his way way back in the storm, his horse stumbled and he was thrown to the ground. He was found next morning with broken neck.


What is the law of primogeniture?

System of inheritance in which the throne passes to their firstborn child upon their death.


Where did King Edward and the English first attack in Scotland and why?


The biggest and most important burgh in Scotland.


What happened to King John after he surrendered the throne?

Taken to England, spend 3 years under house arrest. King John ended his days in France.


What nickname had Edward I been given during the reign of King John?

'Hammer of the Scots' 

Who was the next heir to the throne following King Alexander III's death?

The Maid of Norway.


Who were the 3 main competitors to the Scottish throne following the death of the Maid of Norway?

John Balliol

Robert Bruce

John Hastings


How did the English Army treat Berwick's towns people?

Houses were looted, town burned to the ground, women children raped.

15000-20000 Scots were murdered.


What nickname was John Balliol given after he was removed from the Scottish throne?

Toom Tabard


Name 2 ways Edward I interfere during King John's reign?

Gave orders directly to Scottish nobles instead of writing to King John first.

Edward began to hear appeals from the Scottish Courts of Law.

Made King John take part in Royal ceremonies at the English Parliament.


How was Margaret the Maid of Norway related to King Alexander III?

She was his granddaughter. Margaret's mother had been Alexander's only daughter. She died during childbirth.


What was the Award of Norham?

All competitors to the Scottish throne had to first accept Edward as their overlord, which they agreed to.


Who won at the Battle of Dunbar and why?

English won. 

Complete disaster for the Scots.

The Scots did not have as much experience at fighting as the English, the were not as well equipped as the English, they didn't have as many soldiers.


What was the name of the alliance between Scotland and France?

The Auld Alliance


What was the cause of the war between England and France?

King Edward ruled land in Europe. However, the King of France said that this land was part of France and wanted Edward to do homage for it. Edward refused. 1294 - King of France lost patience and took the land away from Edward. Edward decided to fight the King of France, war broke out.


What were 3 problems with the Maid of Norway?

She was very young - only aged 3.

She was a girl - people did not believe females were suitable to be monarchs.

Due to her age she would need someone else to rule on her behalf - this would cause rivalries.


Why did King Edward I select John Balliol as the King of Scots?

He had the strongest claim to the throne. Balliol first in line to the throne before Robert Bruce because he was the grandson of David, Earl of Huntingdon’s eldest daughter


Name TWO ways Edward kept control of Scotland following King John's removal from the throne

The Stone of Destiny (where all Scottish kings had been inaugurated) was removed from Scotland and taken to Westminster.

All documents related to the Scottish throne were removed and taken to London.

Scottish Crown Jewels were stolen by Edward.

Edward made almost 1600 leading Scot nobles swear personal oath to him.

Edward appointed his own officials to govern Scotland.


What 3 steps did the Scots take to break away from the control of King Edward I?

Asked the Pope to cancel all the agreements they had made with King Edward.

Elected 12 men to help King John with the government of Scotland.

Made a treaty with France against King Edward.


Why was King Edward I angry at King John once the war between England and France broke out? 

Edward ordered King John to fight with him against the French with a Scottish army. The Scots decided not to go.
