Culture & Multiculturalism
Socialisation & Feral Children
Enter Gender Roles & Socialisation Name
Nature vs. Nurture

What is the definition of culture?

The shared practices, values, beliefs, and material objects of a group of people.


What is socialisation?

The process by which individuals learn the norms, values, and roles of their culture.


What are gender roles?

The societal expectations of how males and females should behave.


What does "nature" refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

Genetic or biological factors that influence a person's development.


: What term describes the process through which individuals learn and adopt the norms, values, and behaviors of their culture?



What does the term "multiculturalism" mean?

A society that includes a variety of distinct cultural groups, with equal respect and acceptance for each.


What is a "feral child"?

A child who has lived in isolation from human contact and has not been socialised.


What is the concept of "canalisation" in gender socialisation?

The process by which parents channel their children's interests into gender-appropriate toys and activities.


What does "nurture" refer to in this debate?

Environmental and social factors that shape an individual's development.


What term is used to describe the idea that individuals actively participate and shape their own social identities and interactions, rather than just passively following societal roles?

Social actors 


Give one example of a multicultural society.

The United Kingdom, United States, Canada, etc.


Name one famous feral child

Oxana Malaya or/ and  Genie, the "Wild Boy of Aveyron."


What is "verbal appellation" in gender socialisation?

The use of different language based on the child's gender, such as calling boys "strong" and girls "pretty."


How does the case of feral children challenge the "nature" argument?

It shows that without nurture (socialisation), a child’s development is severely limited, regardless of biological potential.


The idea that we imagine how others perceive us and adjust our behavior accordingly is known as the ___.

looking glass self 


How does multiculturalism benefit a society?

It promotes diversity, tolerance, and the exchange of ideas and traditions.


How does the case of feral children support the nature vs. nurture debate?

It highlights the importance of nurture, showing how socialisation is critical for normal development.


How does socialisation reinforce traditional gender roles?

Through media, family, and education, children learn what is "expected" of them as boys or girls.


Name a sociologist who supported the nurture side of the debate.

John Locke with his idea of the "tabula rasa" (blank slate).


Provide an example of media where the male gaze is evident and explain how it manifests in that example.

An example is films/adverts/marketing/fashion that focus on female characters’ physical attributes and present them from a voyeuristic perspective, reducing them to objects of male desire rather than developing their roles or contributions to the story.


How can multiculturalism lead to tension in society?

It can lead to misunderstandings or conflict if groups feel marginalized or if cultural differences are not respected.


What are the long-term impacts on feral children who missed socialisation?

Many struggle with communication, social interaction, and adapting to social norms , and moral Compass.


Which Liberal Feminist discussed canalisation and verbal appellation ?

Ann Oakley - Liberal feminist and sociologist 


Why might identical and fraternal  twins be used in studies to test the influence of nature and nurture?

Twins are often used in experiments around the nature vs. nurture debate because they provide a unique opportunity to study the influence of genetics (nature) and environment (nurture). Identical twins share 100% of their genes, while fraternal twins share about 50%. By comparing identical and fraternal twins raised in the same or different environments, researchers can isolate the effects of genetics and environment on traits like intelligence, behaviour, and health.


What term describes the way visual media often depicts women as objects of male pleasure and reinforces traditional gender power dynamics?

The male Gaze
