Prenatal Development
Teratology and Hazards
Birth Process
Random/ Bonus Questions

Name the three periods of prenatal development.

Germinal, Embryonic, Fetal.


What is a teratogen and how does it affect prenatal development?

A teratogen is an environmental agent that causes malformation or functional abnormalities in a developing fetus.


How long does the first stage of labour last for when considering first borns?

12-24 hours


How does a cesarean section impact the postpartum period?

Longer recovery


What's my name?

Ms. Moore


List the three life support systems that aid the fetus and describe their main functions.

Placenta (nutrient and oxygen exchange), Amniotic Sac (cushions and protects), Umbilical Cord (transports nutrients and waste).


List 5 common teratogens and their effects.

Alcohol (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome), Cigarette Smoke (low birth weight, respiratory issues), Drugs (varies by substance), Infectious Diseases (e.g., Rubella), Radiation (birth defects).


Explain the stages of the birth process.

Labor (contractions and cervix dilation), Delivery (baby is born), Afterbirth (placenta delivery).


List common physical and emotional changes during the postpartum period.

Physical (healing, fatigue, body changes); Emotional (mood swings, bonding issues).


What are three domains of human development?

Physical, cognitive and psychosocial 


Differentiate between the periods of development and trimesters.

Periods are stages of fetal growth (Germinal, Embryonic, Fetal); trimesters are divisions of pregnancy (1st, 2nd, 3rd).


How do the effects of teratogens vary based on timing and dosage?

Effects depend on the timing of exposure, with critical periods causing specific malformations, and dosage impacting severity.


What is anoxia and how might it occur during birth?

What is anoxia and how might it occur during birth?


Describe one effective coping strategy for managing postpartum challenges.

example: Seeking support from family or a counselor.


What was the "most stressful moment" in your life considering the unit we are talking about?

your birth


Describe the key developmental milestones of each trimester.

1st trimester (organ formation, early development), 2nd trimester (growth, movement felt), 3rd trimester (maturation, preparation for birth).


How do the timing and dosage of teratogen exposure influence the type and severity of birth defects?

The timing of exposure is critical because different organs and systems are vulnerable at specific stages of development. The dosage affects the severity; higher doses or prolonged exposure can lead to more severe defects. For instance, exposure to teratogens during critical periods, like the first trimester for organ development, can result in major malformations.


Describe different methods of birth and their characteristics.

Vaginal delivery, Cesarean section, Natural or Prepared Birth


What are some common challenges new parents face during the postpartum period, and how can they be addressed?

Common challenges include sleep deprivation, physical recovery, and adjusting to new roles. These can be addressed through support from family and friends, seeking professional help if needed, and establishing a support network.


How does natural selection contribute to evolution?

Natural selection is the process where organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and reproduce more successfully. Over time, this leads to the adaptation and evolution of species as advantageous traits become more common.


Name the three periods of prenatal development and briefly describe each.

1. Germinal Period (0-2 Weeks - Fertilization, Cell Division, Blastocyst Formation)

2. Embryonic Period (2-8 Weeks - Organogenesis, Germ Layers, Development of Placenta)

3. Fetal Period (8 Weeks to Birth - Growth and Maturation, Movement and Senses, Preparation for Birth)


How can healthcare professionals and expectant mothers minimize the risk of teratogen exposure during pregnancy?

Risks can be minimized by avoiding known teratogens such as certain drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Healthcare professionals should provide guidance on safe medication use, promote a healthy lifestyle, and conduct regular screenings for infections and environmental exposures.


What are risks associated with a medicated birth?

allergies, long lasting effects, etc.


How does postpartum depression differ from the “baby blues,” and what are effective treatments for postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is a more severe and prolonged condition compared to the “baby blues,” which is a temporary feeling of sadness and mood swings. Effective treatments for postpartum depression include counseling, medication, and support groups.


What are the major theories of personality in psychology and how do they differ?

Major theories include Freud’s psychoanalytic theory (focus on unconscious processes and childhood experiences), Skinner’s behaviorism (focus on observable behaviors and environmental influences), and Rogers’ humanistic theory (focus on self-actualization and personal growth). Each theory offers a different perspective on personality development.
