SPED Cycle
Explicit Instruction

ADA and what does it mean

Americans with Disabilities Act

Allows for access to public spaces. 


What is UDL?

A framework for designing barrier-free, instructionally rich learning environments and lessons for all students at the Tier 1 level.


What is Child Find?

A process that identifies, locates and evaluates children with disabilities to ensure they receive the services they are entitled to. Typically for children 3-5 years old/ 


What is a model of co-teaching?

multiple answer choices: one teach, one observe; one teach, one support; station teaching; parallel teaching; alternative teaching; & team teaching.


Once an IEP is finalized, when do you need to implement?

What is immediately? 


What is an ITP? 

Individualized Transition Program

  • A plan for students to shift from high school to independent life after high school

    • This may be college, trade school, supported work, or workforce 

    • Living arrangements

    • Personal Management 

    • Community rec and leisure activities

    • Health and medical

    • Financial and income 

  • Stars when students are 14


What is MTSS and what does it stand for?

Multi-Tier Systems of Support 

An approach for how teachers utilize assessments and data to make their decisions to improve their instruction and intervention supports for all students.


What happens during the Pre-Referral stage?

RTI or remediation work


What is explicit instruction?

It is a systematic method of teaching with an emphasis on proceeding in small steps, checking for student understanding, and achieving active and successful participation by all students." (Rosenhine, 1987).

It is “a way to teach in a direct, structured way. When teachers use explicit instruction they make lessons crystal clear. They show kids how to start and succeed on a task. They also give kids plenty of feedback and chances to practice.” (


What is a SMART goal?

What is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Based goal?


FAPE and what does it mean?

Free and Appropriate Education

Every child as a right to free and appropriate public education. 

Includes "Zero-Reject Policy" 


What are the 3 pillars of UDL?

Engagement, Representation, and Action & Expression


What is referral? What is required? 

- After-intervention strategies are ineffective, a formal request for assessment. This is to see if there is something more going on. 

- A formal request requires parental permission. 


What is scaffolding?

What is systematically introduces concepts and skills. Beginning with easier tasks and progressing to more difficult tasks?


What is the difference between accommodation vs. modification?

What is HOW a student is taught (accommodation) versus what a student is taught (modifications) 


Section 504; give an example

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504): This civil rights law prohibits disability discrimination at schools that get federal funding. Schools meet these requirements by removing barriers to learning.


What is and evidence-based practice?

Essential, broadly applicable instructional strategies that significantly impact student learning, especially for students with disabilities.


What are the three tiers of RTI? 

Tier 1, universal screening, everyone receives it 

Tier 2, remedial work in a group setting

Tier 3, most intensive remedial work in a one-on-one fashion. 


What is a schema?

What is a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them


Explain LRE in the context of the IEP and the continuum of services?

Least Restrictive Environment 

Students with disabilities receive their education alongside their peers without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate. Students should not be removed from the general education classroom unless learning cannot be achieved even with the use of supplementary aids and services.


IDEA; Name 6 "pillars" 

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: This
education law requires public schools to meet the unique needs of eligible K–12 students with disabilities. Schools do this by providing

1. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

2. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

3. Individualized Education Programs (IEP)s

4. Procedural Due Process

5. Nondiscriminatory Assessment

6. Parental Participation


What is the difference between a best practice and and evidence-based practice? 

  • Shown to have a positive effect on student outcomes

  • The research design allows one to infer that the practice led to child or student improvement

  • Multiple high-quality studies have been conducted

Reviewed by a reputable organization (e.g., What Works Clearinghouse)

A best practice might be trendy or not have a lot of evidence. 


What is a PLOP?

  • Describes the unique needs of the student that the IEP will address

    • Identifies the student’s level of performance using current data

      • What they can do

      • What they are currently not able to do

    • Identifies the student’s area(s) of strength

    • Identifies area of exceptionality (deficit)

    • Written in positive terms


What are the three parts of explicit instruction? Give a definition or example of each.

What are "I do", "You do", and "We do"?

Modeling “I do” 

  • State lesson objective 

  • As the teacher model how you would do it. 

  • Build upon prior schemas or knowledge. 

  • Use a step-by-step instruction.

  • Use metacognition to model what students should be thinking through. 

  • Demonstrate with examples and non-examples 

Guided Practice “We do”

  • Use guided practice 

    • Like everyone do it with me

  • Use frequent responses to monitor what students are doing and provide feedback quickly. The earlier you correct them the better it will be.

Independent Practice “You do”--> best done in the classroom 

  • Help students organize their knowledge

  • Use Assessments and make sure to review what they have been learning. Using the first 5 minutes of a lesson to review what you have learned because this practices retrieval. The old saying you don’t use it you lose it. Comes into play here!


Duties of gen ed teacher in IEP?

  • Attend IEP Meeting 

  • You need to know the content of the IEP 

  • provide valuable input 

  • You are required to contribute your observations of the students performance in the classroom 

  • You are expected to implement goals involving your classroom settings
