Immigration Pt. 1
Immigration Pt. 2

This is the collective group of activities and interests that most people like

What is mass culture


These people were immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe

New Immigrants


These were places immigrants worked with long, dangerous work hours and unhealthy working conditions 

What were sweatshops


These groups that helped immigrants with sickness, finding jobs, and death

What were benevolent societies


This man was the publisher of New York Journal newspaper

Who was William Randolph Hearst


These are neighborhoods outside of cities where many middle class families moved if they could afford it 

What are suburbs


They were immigrants from northern Europe 

What were Old Immigrants


This was the area below a ship's deck where immigrants traveled

What is the steerage 


   Following the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century, the this Germanic tribe seized the opportunity to establish their presence in the power vacuum. Initially settling in southwestern Gaul, they later migrated into the Iberian Peninsula. This  Kingdom in Iberia became a significant political entity, shaping the regional landscape. Their rule extended over diverse populations.

    Their conversion from Arian Christianity to Nicene Christianity had profound implications. It aligned them with the broader Christian world and facilitated diplomatic relations with other Christian states. However, their conflicts with the Byzantine Empire over control of territories in southern Gaul and the Mediterranean underscored their role as key players in the evolving political map of Europe. Ultimately, the Visigoths left an indelible mark on history, contributing to the complex tapestry of early medieval Europe and influencing subsequent developments.

    In summary, they navigated a post-Roman world, carving out their kingdom and shaping the destiny of lands that would later become integral parts of European history. 

After the collapse of western Roman authority, what role did the Visigoths play in shaping the post-Roman landscape, and how did they politically redefine Europe?


This figure was publisher of New York World newspaper; first to use color in its comics

who was Joseph Pulitzer


This industry was/is the most common one associated with sweatshops 

What is the clothing industry known for


These acts banned Chinese people from immigrating to America for 10 years 

What were the Chinese Exclusion Acts


This was the most famous settlement house in the 1890s; a place that really helped immigrants and contributed to the survival of the immigrant population by inspiring the reform movement. It was founded by Jane Hull.

What was the Hull House 


This is an immigrant receiving station that opened in 1892, where immigrants from European countries arrived

What is Angel Island known for


This person designed Central Park

Who was Frederick Law Olmsted


Steel mills created this problem during the late 1800's in Pittsburgh

What is air pollution


This is the place where Mexican immigrants entered the United States 

What is El Paso, Texas known for


This immigration station on the west coast where Asian immigrants, mostly Chinese gained admission to the U.S. at San Francisco Bay. Questioning and conditions at Angel Island were much harsher than Ellis Island in New York.

Why is Angel Island significant


They were U.S. citizens who opposed immigration because they were suspicious of immigrants and feared losing jobs to them; feared too many immigrants were being allowed into the country 

Who were nativists


This figure was famous for telling people how bad the apartments were the immigrants had to live in

Who was Jacob Riis


City governments tried to improve city sanitation in the late 1800s by building these

What are water purification systems


This was the percentage of European immigrants that were rejected at Ellis Island

How many is less than 2% 


These were neighborhoods in poor areas that offered education, sports, and social activities  

What were settlement houses


Lawrence Veillner's exhibit helped to pass this law that required new buildings in New York to have better ventilation and running water.

 What is New York State Tenement House Act


This person was famous for telling people how bad sweatshops were for immigrants; they visited factories and wrote about the problems of child labor

Who was Florence Kelley
